Redskins Scalp Buccaneers in Pre-Season Wrap Up

The Buccaneers lost to the Redskins last Thursday evening on a beautiful Tampa night for football. Unfortunately the Bucs came out of the game with more injuries but hopefully most of the walking wounded will be available for the season opener against the Jets in the Meadowlands. Preseason games can be boring but it gives me an opportunity to shoot extra TBBC photos. The injury bug must of also hit the cheerleaders because five of the ladies didn’t perform at the game. Two weeks to be ready for the Voodoo Saints invasion.

Some alumnus cheers were working the sidelines—it’s always nice to see them return, especially with baby bumps. Enjoying the successes that they deserve. The TBBC promotes the sorority togetherness—–Sisters for Life philosophy.

Opening game tickets are still available–order the swimsuit calendar at the same time. Enjoy the photos:

Kasey is a Captain in her 3rd year on the squad.

Popular Ashlee is in her fourth year, second as Captain.

Rookie Cori was a USF SunDoll and Storm Dancer/Cheerleader.

Antasia is in her second year on TBBC.

Baranese is a rookie and graduate of USF’s SunDolls.

Theresa is featured on a nice video from auditions.

Crystale is a small town Florida beauty.


[Bucs Cheerleaders Gallery]

[Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders]

About the Author

Jackson, Florida Correspondent