Congratulations 2014 LA KISS Dancers!

Auditions are over and 13 dancers have been selected to the inaugural LA KISS dance team. Congrats!
(Lots of photos from auditions coming in a day or two).

Standing: LA KISS Dancers Director Brandy Daimwood-Bouchy, Caroline, Vanessa, Jules, Kaley, Alexis, Julianne, Natllely, choreographer Leighann Macias.
Kneeling: Angela, Naipis, LA KISS President Schuyler Hoversten, Sheldon, Xandi
Not pictured: Lizzy

Alexis and Angela

Caroline and Jules

Julianne and Kaley

Lizzy and Naips

Natllely and Sheldon

Vanessa and Xandi

About the Author
