Ultimate Cheerleaders

Our Favorite Photos – The 2009 Arizona Cardinals Cheerleader Auditions

This month is our Tenth Anniversary and to celebrate we’re posting some of our all-time favorite photos.

2009 Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders Audition Candidate

One of my first official “gigs” shooting for UltimateCheerleaders.com was the 2009 Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders open call auditions.  James was in contact with their director at the time, Heather Karberg, and he reached out and got me credentialed.  Heather was a former Charger Girl, whom I had photographed back in the day, so I knew we would hit it off.  We did and I have been covering their auditions for the past several years.  This year will be my sixth year covering the ACC and it gets better and  better each year.

Back in 2009, the Cardinals held their first round auditions at their training facility, on their back porch to be precise.  There were over 200 girls trying out and I was the only guy in attendance, other than Scott, the Cardinals mascot who was assisting on that day.  You could say I was a little nervous and felt a bit like a fish out of water, surrounded by all these beautiful girls trying out for the cheerleaders.  And there were…many…beautiful…girls there, but there was one that stood out in my mind.  She was as beautiful as they come and was one of the better dancers, but for some reason she didn’t make it onto the squad.  Perhaps it was because she looked a little too young and Arizona is a rather conservative state.  I don’t know, but she definitely gave me one of the most memorable photos of the day.

David Tyau, National Correspondent

About the Author

David Tyau, National Correspondent