Ultimate Cheerleaders

Our Favorite Photos – Donald Wells and Sandy Charboneau

This month is our Tenth Anniversary and to celebrate we’re posting some of our all-time favorite photos.

Donald and Sandy at the 2013 P-R-O Convention

Over the past ten years we got to meet some of the country’s most talented and beautiful dancers. But we also get to meet the people you don’t see on the court or the field, but who work very hard to make the world of professional and sports dancers into what it has become today.

Sandy was a Pro Bowl Cheerleader for the Buccaneers before her long tenure as the teams cheer director. Donald ran directed the Washington Bullettes before coming over to the NFL and transforming the Redskins Cheerleaders into the elite squad they are today.

They’ve both moved on from the NFL, but are still doing what they love best. Sandy is traveling the globe with her Pro Tour Productions and Donald is working for the DOD as a Morale and Welfare Officer in Eastern Africa.

A few months after I started this site, I got an email from Donald. I just sort of froze. I knew who he was and I’m thinking, “Uh, oh! It’s all over. He’s going to tell me to cease and desist and he’s probably got an army of NFL lawyers in his pocket.” But it turned out he wrote to let me know I made an error in a post. I made the correction and emailed him back. I thought that would be the end of it, but then Donald replied to tell me he thought I was doing a great job and he was going to let the other NFL Cheer Directors know about the site. And thus began our first steps towards legitimacy.

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent