Ultimate Cheerleaders

Miami Heat Dancers Strike a Pose


If you went to the Miami Heat vs. L.A. Lakers game Wednesday night, there’s a good chance you’ll came home with a cool souvenir. Team reps distributed 20,000 posters featuring the entire squad of Heat dancers, inspired by Broadway classics All That Jazz and Cabaret, shot by the team’s photographer David Alvarez.

“We are always brainstorming ways to give fans something fresh and new, so this year we decided to go with a more classic beauty/old Hollywood look,” Alvarez says. “We wanted to remain true to who these ladies are: performers. This was the biggest, most intricate group shot we’ve ever done. A lot of thought and planning went into every aspect of this project — from the lighting to the poses to the wardrobe.”

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/entertainment/celebrities/article12284459.html#storylink=cpy

[Heat Dancers Poster Gallery]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent