Ultimate Cheerleaders

Cheerleader for Pats Finds It’s a Super jJob

From BostonHerald.com

New England Patriots Cheerleader Lisa Marie joined Boston Herald Radio in studio yesterday to talk about the highlight of her career — being part of the Super Bowl champs’ winning season.

Q: How long have you been a Pats cheerleader?

A: I’ve been a Patriots cheerleader for four seasons.

Q: How was the Super Bowl last year?

A: It’s definitely been a highlight of my career. I still can’t believe I was cheering them on to victory, that I was a part of a winning season. I feel like every season has been a winning season for me, being able to cheer well into postseason since 2012 has just been unreal.

Q: So what has changed the most going into year four?

A: Joining the team as a rookie I guess you really build your confidence up. Now, at year four, I feel very tenured, that I’ve gained a lot of confidence and experience. The team has always played amazingly and at year four I would say they are just as great as they were at year one — if not even better.

Q: What’s the process like trying out to be a Patriots cheerleader?

A: Very grueling. There’s an open call and dancers can come out and show off their skills. Then if you’re lucky enough to last through the day, you return a few weeks later to have a one-on-one interview with our coach and director. And after that you return for the final round with a little more interviewing. You will review the dances that you learned at open call. And you do a solo to the song of your choice. And you think that’s it, but you go through boot camp! And that lasts two weeks and then the team is announced. You do have to re-audition every year. You definitely need to stay fresh and on your top game.

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent