Sea Gal Melanie: Blonde Hair, High Kicks And Football

Photo Credit: Seattle Seahawks
By Jayme Lamm
CBS Local
January 21, 2016
She may be born a California girl, but Sea Gals cheerleader Melanie has no problem fitting in in Seattle, particularly on the sidelines of Seahawks games. She’s now in her fifth straight year cheering on the team.*
In our exclusive interview with Melanie, she tells us what it’s like cheering on the sidelines for a Super Bowl win, her incredibly hectic day-to-day life (which may explain why it’s been five-plus years since her last vacation), her yearlong Christmas spirit and more much.
Sea Gal Melanie Seattle Seahawks

Photo Credit: Seattle Seahawks
CBS Local Sports: Where are you originally from?
Melanie: Rancho Palos Verdes, California.
CBS: Years on team?
M: I am lucky enough to say this is my fifth season with the Sea Gals.
CBS: Occupation or School?
M: I currently work as a sales coordinator in the travel industry.
CBS: Give me details about your day-to-day life:
M: My day-to-day routine is non-stop! I love starting my day with a workout, so I usually will wake up about 5:45am when I do. Then it’s off to work, which keeps me busy all day. Luckily two days a week I get to work from home (this is when I can squeeze in tidying up the mayhem in my house and do a little laundry!). After work, if I didn’t get a good sweat in yet and it’s not a practice day, I’ll head to the gym or some sort of fitness class. Most always, I have SOMETHING after work I’ve scheduled for myself. Tuesdays and Thursdays, it’s straight from work to Sea Gal practice. We can have some pretty late nights too — sometimes after 11pm! Other days after work I’m usually rushing off to a Sea Gal appearance, work event, the gym or social event. I actually just realized I have not taken a real vacation in over five years! I do love keeping myself busy, but I definitely appreciate when I have a day off — a rare occasion!
CBS: Have you ever gone onto the field and forgotten your routine?
M:I have not forgotten an entire routine on the field, thank goodness. But I have had moments of sheer panic when we are on the field waiting to perform and I forget a part of the dance (or so I think) and the music comes on and I’m saved by my muscle memory! This is when I am very thankful for all those late night practices!
Sea Gal Melanie Seattle Seahawks

Photo Credit: Seattle Seahawks
CBS: If you had a Real Housewives intro, what would yours be?
M: ‘Never underestimate a woman with blonde hair and a high kick.’ OR ‘You can do anything you set your mind to, especially when you have a squad of incredible women by your side.’
CBS: Miley, Taylor or Beyoncé?
M: Beyoncé for sure!
CBS: What song instantly puts you in a good mood?
M: ‘All I Want for Christmas’ by Mariah Carey. Yes, I’m guilty of listening to Christmas music yearlong!
CBS: If I gave you two plane tickets anywhere in the world — where are you going and who are you taking?
M: I would take my mom and tell her to pick anywhere she wants to go.
CBS: Favorite thing about your city?
M: I can’t choose just one so my first favorite thing about Seattle is the amount of enthusiasm and camaraderie for our Sports — specifically the Seahawks. It’s actually weird if you live in Seattle and are not a Seahawks fan. My second favorite thing is its beauty. Not to mention, the mountains, ocean and lakes are all so close. There are so many things to see and do in and out of this city!
Sea Gal Melanie Seattle Seahawks

Photo Credit: Seattle Seahawks
CBS: When I say the letter ‘T,’ what’s the first word that comes to mind?
M: Time — I need more of it!
CBS: App you use most?
M: Instagram or Snapchat — guilty, time-consuming pleasures!
CBS: If you could go to dinner with any celebrity/athlete?
M: Hands down, Ellen DeGeneres. She’s absolutely hilarious, smart, kind and humble. I would love to see what she’s like in person in a causal setting.
CBS: During the offseason, what does your perfect Sunday look like?
M: I absolutely love football Sundays, but when season has come to a close, the perfect Sunday will consist of sleeping in a bit, relaxing with some coffee on the deck or couch, and not having to be anywhere. I would be most content spending time with loved ones, doing something active outdoors or just lounging around watching movies.
CBS: Heels or flats?
M: Day-to-day, flats for sure. But don’t get me wrong, I love heels when I get dressed up or some cute heeled booties!
CBS: What’s your one (top-secret until now!) beauty hack or trick?
M:Eyelash extensions! They save me so much time getting ready and look so good (when done right). They are definitely worth it!
Sea Gal Melanie Seattle Seahawks

Photo Credit: Seattle Seahawks
CBS: Tell me something about you people would find completely interesting?
M: I am the lightest sleeper ever! I have to wear earplugs almost every night to shut out any sound, even if there is none!
CBS: A quote or mantra you’re totally vibing?
M: ‘Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.’
CBS: Fill in these sentences:
CBS: I wish more people in this world would…
M: Be kind to one another.
CBS: I can’t get enough…
M: Of my family and friends. They’re my world.
CBS: Yoga pants…
M: Are the best invention for women.
CBS: The single coolest moment as an NFL cheerleader…
M: Was being on the sideline as we won the 2014 Super Bowl.
CBS: What I love most about myself is…
M: I work hard, laugh often and always make time for the things that matter in life.
Follow Sea Gal Melanie on Facebook @ Sea Gal Melanie and Twitter @SeaGalMelanie.
** Correction: This isn’t Melanie’s “fifth straight year cheering on the team.” She is a 5th year veteran, but it hasn’t been five years in a row. Melanie was a Sea Gal for the 2007-08 and 2008-09 seasons. Then she was a San Diego Charger Girl for the 2009-10 NFL season, returning to the Sea Gals for the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 seasons. ~sasha