Ultimate Cheerleaders

Age Doesn’t Matter To This Ben-Gal

2009-bengals-action_laura5smJulie 0’Neill
the Kentucky Post
November 19,2009

CINCINNATI — She was a sweet, unassuming, single mom from Springboro who had a dream to become a Ben-Gal cheerleader.

Not only did she make that dream come true – she’s made history.

9News anchor Julie 0’Neill was at her hair salon, complaining about the pain in her knees, when she heard about a Ben-Gal cheerleader who’s “her” age.

She had to learn more about this “old” cheerleader – although she says that’s not the word that comes to mind when you meet her.

Foxy, fit, fabulous – may be the words instead.

At 41, she’s the oldest Ben-Gal ever – “shakin’ it” with “hotties” about half her age.

“I was at a time in my life (being 41) I wanted to challenge myself and I thought what do I really love to do and I really love music and dancing,” said Laura Vikmanus. “So, I went to a couple of games and I was watching the cheerleaders and I thought, “Wow, that would be really really fun to do!”

Laura missed the cut the first time out – but she came back.

“I usually have between 15 and 17 judges,” said Charlotte Jacobs, Ben-Gal director. “And the comments came in – perfect body, great smile, perfect dance – it was a unanimous decision.”

“I work as a dietitian in a doctor’s office doing a weight-loss program, so I counsel patients and try to teach them a healthy lifestyle with the working out. So, it’s all kind of melded together,” said Vikmanus.

“And she just really ‘kicks butt’ to really work out, she eats awesome food and she always actually is a role model to all the other girls on our squad that maybe have trouble with the food and the working out aspect of it,” said Ben-Gal cheerleader Andrea Kaiser.

“They make me feel like I’m 20 again,” said Vikmanus, “and they’re very supportive and we all encourage each other.”

Interestingly, Vikmanus says she has a harder time keeping up mentally than physically.

“I can tell I learn dances a little slower than them, but once I get ’em, I get ’em – and I can keep up, yeah, pretty well.”

Don’t ask her to hang with her daughters though.

“One’s 11 and one’s 13 and they’re both in cheerleading – competitive cheerleading – so, they do a lot of the tumbling,” said Vikmanus. “So, a lot of their friends ask me, ‘Do you tumble, too?’ No, I don’t tumble.”

Okay, she has some limits – but remember this Ben-Gal as the one still cheering regardless of what the clock says.

“Age does not matter. If you want something, you have to go and get it,” said Vikmanus. “Yeah, and you can get it – you work hard enough you’ll get it.”

Vikmanus says she had lots of friends who were skeptical when she first tried out. Now, they’re inspired to go try something new themselves.

About the Author


4 thoughts on "Age Doesn’t Matter To This Ben-Gal"

  1. Alana says:

    Laura – you are my idol! I want to be an NFL cheerleader but everyone keeps telling me I’m too old (33!). You have inspired me to not listen to anyone else and go after my dream. You rock!

  2. kev says:

    Laura is awesome! She has the hardest body of any cheerleader I’ve ever seen – regardless of age.

  3. Ahnyx says:

    Alana, so do I! I will be 33 next year when I audition for my local NFL team. Good luck to you and I hope you go for it! Thanks Laura! You just gave us hope!

  4. Sinead says:

    Laura looks fantastic! She is an amazing inspiration.

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