Ultimate Cheerleaders

Former Ben-Gal Melissa Scalia Co-Hosts 2010 Audition Finals

Melissa Scalia has parlayed her Ben-Gal experiences, including making the elite Pro Bowl squad, into an entertainment career focusing on modeling, acting, and hosting/interviewing.  Her website and blog document her increasingly diverse resume and experiences, including meeting fashion legend Tim Gunn.   For those of us who followed Melissa on the Ben-Gal sidelines, it is amazing to see the range of looks that she can provide in her photo work.


On Sunday, May 16th, Melissa co-hosted the 2010 Ben-Gal final auditions, open to the public (and a hot ticket at that!) at The Syndicate in Newport, Kentucky.  Her co-host was a local meterologist, the “infamous” Steve Raleigh.  Besides her on-stage duties, Melissa interviewed each of the 65 finalists after their dances in the “cheer lounge,” so we could learn more about the passionate women inside the talented dancers. 

Melissa envies the role of “Dancing With the Stars” hosts Samantha Harris and Brooke Burke, getting the chance to interview the celebrity dancers after their performances.  Sorry to tell you Melissa, but Sam and Brooke should be envying you!  With fun, humor, wit, and spontaneity, Melissa gave the crowd laughs while we received insights into each of the finalists.  Sam and Brooke are lovely, but they don’t break me up.  Plus, 65 interviews in a span of a couple hours; whew, Melissa gets the interview endurance trophy too!

As Melissa entered the hall during morning rehearsals, there were lots of hugs from her Ben-Gal sisters.  A former line captain during the last of her four seasons (2003-2006) on the sidelines, the Ohio University alum was a perfect fit as part of the festivities.  Melissa graciously agreed to discuss past, present, and future with UltimateCheerleaders.com

UC.com-What prompted you to try out for the Ben-Gals the first time?

Ben-Gal tryouts came around at the perfect time in my life!  I had just gone through some personal changes, and was really looking for something new and exciting in my life.  I always enjoyed dancing and really wanted to get into it again in some way.   I also wanted to get more involved in my community through charitable work.   Lucky for me the squad represented so many things I was looking for at the time!

UC.com-What are your memories of you first try-out finals?

Oh my goodness, was I nervous!  I remember looking around at all the beautiful women that were so talented.  That can be pretty intimidating!  I went into it not knowing anyone there.  My friends and I from the squad love to laugh about our first impressions of each another that day!  The girls I felt intimidated by ended up being some of my best friends, and women that I still truly admire!

I wasn’t sure if I’d make it or not, but I knew I gave it my all.  It was in God’s hands at that point, you can only give it your best.  We received our letters in the mail a week later, that indicated whether we made it or not.  I was in Las Vegas with a good friend of mine.  I figured if it was bad news I would still have fun in Vegas, if it was good news, I could celebrate there!  Needless to say, they gave us free dessert at Nine Steakhouse at the Palms when my friend told them I made the squad!  My parents were kind enough to check my mail and give me the great news.

UC.com-At the pro level, the importance of personality is almost as important as dance technique. But it seems like dance technique is more obvious on how to prepare. How should a candidate prepare for the personality/entertainment aspect?

Yes, your personality is a huge part of it!  Cheering for a professional team can be very demanding and fast paced.  It’s a team atmosphere; everyone depends on you to be positive and energetic, to help keep the team in good spirits.  If you have a bad attitude, your true colors can show rather quickly.  My best advice is to believe in yourself and BE YOURSELF!  If you stay positive and true to who you are, it will show in your dancing and your overall attitude.

UC.com-How has going through the try-outs and being on the sidelines helped you in your entertainment career?

Cheerleading gave me so much that has brought me to this point in my life with talent work.  Cheering for the Ben-Gals has given me the confidence to believe in myself and what I can achieve.  It showed me first hand that hard work pays off, and if you work hard and stay positive you can achieve anything.  The program has also taught me how to stay in shape, maintain a good work ethic, and to feel confident representing myself and the Bengals Organization on trips, charity functions, and other appearances.   I never thought I could achieve half of what I did on the squad.  I was Pro Bowl Cheerleader, had the opportunity to go overseas to express our gratitude to the troops, and was a captain my last year!  Now I’m ready to take on the next challenge.  Nothing is too far from reach, cheerleading helped show me that.
UC.com-How did you prepare for your co-host duties on Sunday?

To prepare, I was given some info on the girls so I could interview them after their dance during tryouts.  I’m so lucky I was able to meet and speak to every one of the 65 contenders!  They did not cease to amaze me with their amazing goals and genuine spirit.  Other than that, I really just brought myself back to what made it so special to me.  I looked through some of my pictures, and remembered what it was like when I was in their position.  When I was on the microphone, I was able to just genuinely talk about the girls and how amazing the day was.


Melissa with co-host Steve Raleigh at the 2010 Ben-Gal Audition Finals

UC.com-Why is your co-host meteorologist Steve Raleigh “infamous”?

Steve’s the best!  As you could see, he’s a true professional and has a great personality!  He really shines up there!  He has hosted the event a couple of years, so I think people really look forward to seeing him there!

UC.com-What advice would you give someone trying-out for the first time?

I would tell them to remember everyone there wants them to succeed: the audience, judges, everyone.  I’d also tell them to dance with confidence and because they love doing it.  Don’t dance for anyone else, dance for yourself and let your personality shine!

UC.com-What advice would you give to the husband/boyfriend of a new Ben-Gal who now is busy and in the spotlight?

This is a great question!  Sometimes people forget that besides the full time job, or school, along with practices, appearances, games…that there is also a social life and someone at home!  I’d say most are usually so proud of their significant other, and most of the time the guys end up getting to know each other and form friendships too!  It’s really hard not to talk about cheering when you come home from it.  I do think it’s important to sometimes leave it at the stadium and separate yourself sometimes.   I would just tell the guys to enjoy it while it’s happening, and know it won’t last forever.  I’d tell them to try and be supportive, because it is very demanding physically and emotionally.  It means the world to come home and have love and support….. and well, someone that cares to listen, even when you’re just complaining about buying too much pantyhose!

UC.com-What is your favorite memory from your days on the Ben-Gals?

Goodness, I have so many.  One would have to be when I was chosen for Pro Bowl.  We were doing our quarter dance and I looked over and saw my parents standing there.  Next thing I knew, Charlotte (our director) was handing me roses and I was on the big screen!  I experienced a dream come true that day, with all my friends and family there.  It was an amazing day that I’ll never forget!

Pro Bowl Ben-Gal!

UC.com-What on the horizon of your entertainment career is most exciting?

I’ve been really putting myself out there to see where it could take me.  The great thing is, I’m enjoying every step of the way!  It’s a big goal of mine to do what I love in my everyday life.  Cheerleading has taught me that with hard work and focus, I can achieve anything, so you’ll see more of me soon!

The sooner the better!!  Thanks Melissa and best wishes!



About the Author

Dave, Midwest Correspondent

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