Ultimate Cheerleaders

Interview with Patriots Cheerleader Crissy Lynn

crissyRising Patriot
Todd Wood
Effingham Magazine
August, 2010

Q: How long did you live in Effingham? From what year to what year? And what schools did you attend here?
A: I grew up living with my grandparents. We moved from Jacksonville, FL to Rincon, GA when I was eight years old, where I attended South Effingham Elementary School. I transferred to Effingham Co Middle School in the seventh grade. In the tenth grade, I transferred to Lifespring Christian Academy.

Q: Did you ever cheer while growing up? While you were a young girl did you ever see yourself or dream about being a pro football cheerleader?
A: I began cheering when I was five years old for the Hilliard Flashes in Florida. I also cheered for the Effingham Co Rebels in High School. I have to be honest and say my goal was always to cheer for FSU in college. Although I never achieved that goal, I believe that cheering for the New England Patriots has surpassed that goal by a mile and is definitely one of my greatest accomplishments.

Q: Tell me how the cheering and modeling got started for you. How old were you when you started modeling?
A: When I was thirteen years old, my grandmother took me to a casting call in Savannah, GA. I was selected by FORD Models to fly to NYC and meet with their agents. Unfortunately, my family was not financially able to fly to New York at that time. But, from that day on, I knew I wanted to be a model. I was amazed by the ads in magazines such as Seventeen, Glamour and Vogue. I also love being behind the camera. Growing up, I had huge collages of photographs that completely covered my bedroom walls. I don’t believe I went anywhere without a camera in my hand. When my friends and I were bored we would hang up a white sheet for a backdrop and make our own photo shoots.

Q: What inspired you to go to Boston? Did you go up north for the modeling opportunities, because I know you didn’t go there for the weather?
A: At the time, I was dating a guy who was from Boston. After flying down a few times to visit and after doing some research, I decided I would move there. The school systems are excellent and I had to put my son Dawson’s future first. Surprisingly, we LOVE the winter. I suppose it’s because it is new to us. We had never seen snow before, until my second visit to Boston. I love taking Dawson to the mountains, snowboarding, sledding, building snowmen and making snow angels. There is so much to do in the winter and having all four seasons is a wonderful change for us.

Q: For the people here at home, tell a little about the process of becoming a cheerleader in the NFL. Talk about how tough tryouts are. Then talk about once you make the squad, how many hours a week you put into cheerleading practice.
A: I had only been living in Massachusetts for a few weeks before I found myself at Gillette Stadium for tryouts. I thought it would be a fun experience and a great way to meet women my age, with the same interests. The tryouts are very intense and much tougher than I had anticipated. There were hundreds of women at the audition residing from all parts of New England, and many from out of state. It was intimidating at first, but once I made the final cut, I knew all the hard work had paid off.
The hours of practice differ from one cheerleader to another. Our normal schedule includes group practice two times a week. We also hold optional skill building practices throughout the month when needed.

Q: Also, not many people know how much an NFL cheerleader makes. In my opinion, cheerleaders are definitely there because they truly love dance and the atmosphere. I saw a special on television about a year ago that told how much cheerleaders make per game and I was shocked. I think it was about $50 per game or something like that.
A: We are paid for all of our practices, games, travel and personal appearances. I suppose all NFL squads are paid differently but I can honestly say; I would do it for free! No one could ever put a price on the feeling of standing on the field in the player’s tunnel before each game in front of 70,000 cheering fans. Climbing the wall of China, traveling overseas to support our troops, flying to London, England for an away game; it’s just amazing! Not to mention being able to say you cheer for the greatest team in the NFL! PRICELESS!

Q: Has your making the Patriots’ cheerleading squad opened other doors for you? Explain.
A: Absolutely. Not only has it helped open doors in the modeling and entertainment industry, but it’s opened the doors to the New England community. Last month another cheerleader and I traveled to the White Mountains in New Hampshire. We participated in a Habitat for Humanity project to build a home for a disadvantaged woman and her three children. That was one of the most rewarding opportunities I have ever experienced. Working with the Patriots organization has shown me the importance of giving back to the community and helping others.

Q: What are your ambitions? Career goals? Go ahead, don’t be modest, you have already accomplished a lot for your age, what is on the horizon?
A: Well, being a Patriots Cheerleader is a pretty time consuming job but it is finite. There is a three- year limit to being on the squad. I hope to continue pursuing modeling and acting. I absolutely love the entertainment industry but my heart is in ministry. I attended Lifesprings Worship Center in Pooler, GA for many years and if there is one thing I learned from Pastor Julie Stanley, it is that we are put on this earth for a purpose! I hope to one day attend a Christian missions school and join their dance team. I also love to travel, so being a missionary would be an appropriate fit. I can’t wait to dive into it!

Q: Other than making the Patriots cheerleading squad, are there any other accomplishments you are proud of? Have you been featured in any magazines?
A: The first year on the team I was selected as one of the cover girls for the 2010 Patriots Cheerleaders swimsuit calendar, which was a huge accomplishment. The photo shoots haven’t stopped since. I have traveled to over 5 countries for shoots and promotional appearances. I have been featured on Speed TV several times and I was featured in an anti-drunk driving commercial. I will be published in the upcoming August issue of Maxim Magazine and I have been featured on the Internet reality series: “The Justin’s”. Currently, I am shooting a pilot for a sports broadcasting show.

Q: Is this your first or second season with the Patriots?
A: I am now a second year veteran on the team and I’m looking forward to the 2010-2011 football season!

Q: On to gameday. I’ve noticed that cheerleaders are nonstop throughout the entire game. Would you say that it is good exercise?
A: Without a doubt! But most of all it’s fun! Every cheerleader on the squad is on the field at some point. We do rotate throughout the game, however, so that we are able to go into the stadium clubs for promotional appearances and calendar signings and spend time with our amazing fans.

Q: Other than cheerleading practice, how often do you workout?
A: I’m a mother of an extremely hyper 6 year old, so everyday is a work out! Although he keeps me busy with basketball or running around the park, I try to make it to the gym twice a week. The new workout routine I’m on is done right in my living room. It’s called P90X and it works wonders! I try to do it at least three times a week, first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to start my day and gives me plenty of energy.

Q: I saw a photo of you on the sideline, with very little on, and it was snowing! Foxboro is easily one of the harshest environments in the NFL when it comes to weather. How on earth can you be smiling when it is snowing and like 20 degrees?
A: Oh, the infamous Halloween game!! We are all so excited each year for that game because we are not in our standard uniform. We are able to dress up in any costume we would like. Unfortunately, in true New England style, the weather took a turn and started snowing. We couldn’t help but smile!
It was quite comical and we were having a blast! But, after half time we ran back into the locker room and changed into our winter uniforms, which consist of pants, gloves and warm winter jackets!

Q:This might get you in trouble, but who was your favorite NFL team(before) going to New England?
A: I can honestly say that pro football was not big in my family until I began cheering for the Patriots. As you know; it’s all about college football in the south! I have been a huge FSU fan all of my life, while my entire family are all die hard Florida Gator fans. It is always a fun rivalry when FL vs. FL is on TV. So, for pro football, it’s the PATRIOTS all the way!

Q: On Sundays when the Patriots are not at home, do you go somewhere to watch the game?
A: Of course! I wouldn’t miss one of our games for anything! It’s actually a lot of fun because my son dresses up in his Brady jersey and gets so excited that we can cheer on the team together. Often, the cheerleaders will meet up near the stadium and watch the games together!

Q: What is your favorite part of being a Patriots cheerleader?
A: There are so many aspects to being a cheerleader that I love! If I had to name one favorite, it would be traveling. Immediately after making the squad my first year, I was in Aruba shooting our swimsuit calendar. This year we flew to PuntaCana. I was also given the opportunity to travel to an away game in London, England last year. I can’t wait to see where our team travels next!

Q: What hobbies do you enjoy?
A: I love trying out all the winter sports New England has to offer; ice skating, skiing and snowboarding. I absolutely love motocross, whether it’s just riding for fun with my son in the back yard or traveling to the pro races, Motorcross is my favorite sport other than football. I also enjoy tennis, rock climbing, surfing, skydiving and just hanging out with my son at the beach.

Q: Do you still have family in Effingham? If so, who?

A: My aunt, Shelly Rowland and her two little girls live in Rincon. My mother Holly Morgan, my brother and two sisters still live in Effingham. Tyler Walker, Lexi Morgan and Clay Walker all attend Effingham Co Middle School and High School. I miss them all beyond words and the distance between us is not easy to cope with at times. But I fly down at least twice a year to visit them and I try to fly my brother and sisters up to Boston as much as possible.

Q: If someone wanted to take the route you have decided to take, what helpful advice would you give them?
A: GO FOR IT! Moving thousands of miles away to pursue your dreams is not easy at all! But if it were easy it wouldn’t be worth it. If you choose to move away and it doesn’t work out, you can always go back. But it’s the question of “what if” that will stand out, if you never give it a try. As for any girl who loves cheering or dance; I would certainly encourage them to search their favorite NFL team’s audition dates. Attending auditions is a wonderful experience in itself! If you don’t make it the first time you tryout, use that as your motivation to work harder to make it the next year! Why would you ever choose failure when success is an option?

Q: Was there anyone along the way who served as your mentor or supported you in accomplishing your goals?
A: My Aunt Suzy! Ever since I was a little girl, she has always been the one person I could count on! Although she was upset that my son and I were moving so far away, she was the only person who wiped away tears and said “I am proud of you! I know you can do it!” She is always there to help me through my successes and failures. No matter what it is, she helps me to make the best decision, keeps me grounded, and makes me smile!

Q: Who is your favorite player on the Patriots squad? Who is your favorite player in the NFL?
A: I would have to say my favorite player is Wes Welker and of course the best quarter back in the NFL is Tom Brady!

Q: Final qestion. Do you have anything lined up in the future. Any future photoshoots or work?
A: I have recently made the top 100 in a contest for Maxim, so I will have some upcoming videos and photo shoots for that. Next month, we will be shooting our 2010 Patriots cheerleading poster which will reveal our new uniforms. I recently booked a shoot with FHM Magazine and will be traveling to California for that. Being a part of the Patriots organization means the opportunities are endless and I can’t wait for my next endeavor.


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