Ultimate Cheerleaders

UFL Virginia Searches for Cheer Director

ufllogoThe search is underway for a Cheer / Dance Director for the United Football League team that will begin play in Virginia when the league’s third season kicks off in 2011.

UFL Cheer and Dance Development Director Billie O’Hara is beginning the process of searching for a qualified director and putting together the league’s next professional Cheerleading team in the Virginia expansion market. The process is expected to last two months, allowing the UFL to hold auditions for cheerleaders in March 2011.

“This person will have the responsibility of putting the strongest possible team of women on the field, who will truly represent the great state of Virginia and their professional football team,” said O’Hara. “The Director will be responsible for choreography and will also need to illustrate the organizational skills needed off the field.”

The coordinator should be based out of the Tidewater region and candidates are expected to have previous experience in working with professional cheerleading / dance teams, preferably at the professional sports level. They must be able to manage a team of 32 cheerleaders / dancers, organize and coordinate auditions, prepare schedules for rehearsals and must be present for all home games.

All interested participants must send a headshot, resume and letters of recommendation along with a highlight reel, link, or video of their work to Billie O’Hara at tuskerscheer@gmail.com.

“This is an amazing opportunity to be apart of the next best thing in professional sports,” added O’Hara. “It is a great chance to help build the Virginia franchise from the ground up.”

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent