Ultimate Cheerleaders

Montville’s Cassie Go cheers on the Patriots

Ann Gamble

Some servicemen come home from overseas to parties, parades and welcome banners. Marine Josh Go will come home to some of these and a little something extra: tickets to Patriots’ home games, thanks to a new Patriots’ cheerleader who happens to be his sister, Cassie Go.

Last May, the petite 2010 Montville High School graduate was living with her parents, working, involved in her community and as devoted to dance as she has been since age 2. Enter Facebook.

A former dance class friend found Go on the social networking site and told her of an upcoming Patriots’ cheerleader audition.

“You’d be great at it,” her friend said.

Although she thought it a long shot, Go thought it might be fun just to try out, so she went to the audition along with 300 hopefuls vying for 31 slots.

All of the cheerleaders have to try out each year to earn their spot on the squad. Over the month-long process, Go progressed through the preliminary rounds and finally to the final test: a grueling two-week boot camp to test how the women would perform under typical conditions and how quickly they could learn new routines.

The candidates were to receive roster emails after the last day of camp, but Go had no time to check her email. She headed straight to Providence, R.I., for a dance competition. Just before she went on stage, her friend called and asked if Go had checked her email.

“She told me I made it and I started screaming and jumping up and down,” Go says, laughing. “It was even more special because I was with my dance instructor who I’ve been with since I was 2, and she’s a big part of my success.”

Her excitement fueled her performance, and “the competition went great after that,” she notes.

Acceptance for the 2011 squad was only the beginning of Go’s great adventure. Since May, the squad has made more than 200 appearances and travelled to Aruba to shoot the squad’s 2012 swimsuit calendar.

Go is the youngest of the cheerleaders who range from 18 to 30 years old.

“It seems like we’re all the same age though,” Go says. “The group events have been great, getting to know the other women. Everyone is very friendly.”

Cheering for the Patriots is only a part-time job. The squad cheers at home games; NFL cheerleaders do not travel with the teams. Go also teaches dance and is a receptionist for a local business.

“My friends are very proud of me. They introduce me as ‘This is my friend Cassie, she’s a Patriots’ cheerleader.'”

A life-long football fan, Go says her parents and other older brother Jake, are “very proud and happy that I’m getting to experience all that goes along with being part of the NFL.”

Go adds, “It’s all just so amazing. We’ve had two pre-season games already and just being on the field, the fans, it’s all just so amazing to be part of the NFL.”

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