Ultimate Cheerleaders

Miss Fanatic

By Stefanie Carrier
Orlando Magic
October 31, 2012

ORLANDO — The 2012-13 Orlando Magic Dancers are a group of talented and successful women. While some are in college, others like Tiffany, a rookie on the squad, have already begun to pursue their career passions. Tiffany is the founder of Miss Fanatic, a sports-inspired apparel brand that blurs the line between fashion and sports. Her clothing line includes a variety of fashionable items from swimwear to sundresses that allow women to flaunt their team’s colors in style.

The idea for the clothing brand Miss Fanatic came to be while Tiffany was an NFL Cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins and in fashion school at the same time.

“My coach at the time had asked me to help create a few fun pieces for a fashion show we had coming up,” Tiffany said. “I created sports-inspired looks, some of which included cutting up numerous footballs and creating a bikini, as well as jersey-inspired pieces and another using actual astro turf.”

Needless to say, the looks were a hit and people started contacting Tiffany to buy their own versions of the looks she created for the team.

“This really made me take another look at the market, as well as the opportunity there could possibly be in this industry. That blossomed my idea of the Miss Fanatic Brand you see today.”

After graduating from college, Tiffany took her idea to the next level and began marketing and selling her pieces under its current name “Miss Fanatic.” There was a lot of time and research that went into the production of the pieces, and she took her time to examine the market and be sure that her brand would be perceived the way she envisioned.

“I learned a lot my first year,” Tiffany said. “I had to learn how to develop a line that would be universal to all different women with different style, taste and silhouettes.”

But with an amazing eye for fashion, a budding business and reliable manufacturers, Tiffany’s Miss Fanatic clothing line has seen nothing but growth. Miss Fanatic is offering their collection to over 150 universities across the country and has recently started branching out into the NBA. The Orlando Magic Team Shop even currently carries a few pieces from the Miss Fanatic collection.

“We are currently selling two swimsuits styles, two legging styles and a cute Polo Dress. We will be also delivering a tank dress, game-day jersey and fun novelty glasses in the next two weeks.”

While owning her own company is a big venture, it also gives Tiffany the flexibility to really focus on another one of her passions, which is dancing for the Orlando Magic.

“Dancing is my first passion and fashion my second,” Tiffany said, “so being able to say I can do both is truly a blessing!”

Tiffany hopes that Miss Fanatic will triple in size in the near future and be able to add the NFL, MLB and NHL licenses to the brand. However, Tiffany’s goals are not just for the clothing company to grow; she also hopes to use the brand to inspire young women.

“I hope to be able to inspire other young women to follow their dreams as I have,” Tiffany said, “and show them that everything is attainable as long as you’re willing to work hard to reach your goals!”

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