Ultimate Cheerleaders

Psst! Attention Oakland Raiderettes!

(The rest of y’all can ignore this.)

Several weeks ago, Dave (one of our main contributors) said he was fieldtrippin’ to Oakland to catch some Raiderette action for the blog. Since we haven’t had a ton of original Raiderette content on the site, I thought that was a capital idea. I remembered corresponding with Jeanette Thompson, the Raiderettes director eons ago, so I dug through my email, looking for her contact info. Well, it turns out, it was SO long ago, it was before she was the Director. I think it might’ve been even before she was a Thompson! It was an old email, but I gave it a shot. Unfortunately, it bounced back and I haven’t been able to find another good way to get ahold of her.

So now we need an assist from Football’s Fabulous Females. Dave is going to the Raiders home game this weekend. Since we don’t get up there very often, I want to make sure if there’s anything exciting/new/special/interesting going on, he catches it. So if any of you generous, kind-hearted, extra special, (is that enough sucking up? LOL) young ladies would dop me a line with a few details, I’d be most appreciative. (sasha at procheerleaderblog.com)

Most important things to find out
(1) if there’s any sort of tailgating/outside of the stadium activity going on,
(2) if there are any meet and greet type of things inside the stadium before the game, and
(3) where do the ladies stand during the game. (The four corners, obviously, but if we know the yard lines ahead of time, that will help figure out how close his seats are, and which lenses, flashes, and whatnot to bring with.)

It is really NO FUN hufffing and puffing your way around and around an enormous stadium because you thought you might have heard somebody say something about the cheerleaders performing allll the way on the other side of the stadium.

So if there’s anything you ladies can do to help us us, we’ll…well I haven’t thought about part yet. We’ll owe you big time. (That’s worth something, right?)

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One thought on "Psst! Attention Oakland Raiderettes!"

  1. Sue says:

    Where did they get those old looking go-go boots?

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