Ultimate Cheerleaders

Military Super Bowl Tour Recap

Chiefs Cheerleader Krystal traveled to Japan

By Rachel Santschi

Recently, Chiefs Cheerleader Krystal traveled to Japan with ProTour Productions for the Military Super Bowl Tour. Krystal, along with five other NFL Cheerleaders visited Camp Zama, a United States Army Military Installation, to meet military families and celebrate Super Bowl XLVIII.

On Thursday of last week, Krystal flew out to Los Angeles to meet up with Jenna, a cheerleader with the Titans, and Alice, a cheerleader with the Falcons. From Los Angeles, the girls flew to Tokyo to meet Vikings Cheerleader Missy, Redskins Cheerleader Susan, and Cardinals Cheerleader Kristen.

“We were one of the bigger groups on the Military Super Bowl Tour and it was an incredible opportunity to meet the other women and experience Japan,” Krystal noted. “While we were in the airport, we actually ran into some of the girls that were traveling to another base in Japan and a group that was traveling to Alaska. It was pretty cool to find out that there were girls all around the world on this tour.”

After their 11-hour flight, it was now Friday and they had finally made it to Japan and were ready for their Military Super Bowl Tour to begin.

Saturday morning, the girls had breakfast with Garrison Commander Colonel Joy L. Curriera, Command Sergeant Major Katrina M. Najee and Major General James C. Boozer, Sr.

“It was really cool to meet everyone on Saturday,” Krystal commented. “We ate with a few of the military members from the base and it was awesome to have breakfast with them and hear their stories. We all enjoyed their company and we also got to meet some of their families.”

Following breakfast, the girls visited the military police and fire department. They took a tour of the jail, learned about the men and women’s daily responsibilities and even experienced what it was like to take a mug shot.

“They staged our meeting and actually pulled us over on the side of the highway and asked for all of our passports,” Krystal explained. “We were all a little panicked, until they finally told us it was just a joke and then it was pretty funny. After we all calmed down and laughed it off, they took us to the station and we met some of their families and toured the facility.”

Saturday afternoon, the girls hosted a youth program for young children, many of whom are interested in cheering or dance. The girls taught the group a few routines, spoke to them about cheering for an NFL team, and explained that they are each professionals and have full-time jobs outside of cheerleading.

“The program we held on Saturday was similar to what the Chiefs do at Arrowhead Stadium, through the Junior CC’s program,” Krystal said. “We spoke with the girls about the importance of higher education, told them about ourselves and our full-time jobs and also taught them a few dances that they then later performed for the group.”

Sunday, the girls were able to spend some time sightseeing and taking in Japan as a tourist.

“We were able to go explore Japan on Sunday and act as a tourist for a day,” Krystal commented. “We visited one of the temples, the Asakusa Temple, went inside and received our fortunes, and then we went to one of the fashion districts. It was really interesting to experience the Japanese culture and explore the city.”

Monday morning, it was finally time for the big game. In Japan, Super Bowl XLVIII aired Monday at 8:15a.m. The girls arrived around 7:30a.m. to perform a pregame routine, mingled with the families and enjoyed the game. They also performed at halftime, signed autographs and even met a few Chiefs fans.

“It was so incredible to meet some Chiefs fans in Japan,” Krystal said. “One to note was a man who spoke no English, so his friend helped translate our conversation, so we could easily communicate. He told me he visited Arrowhead Stadium one time and loved it. He said while he was there, he bought a Chiefs jersey and said he can’t wait to go back one day.”

Monday afternoon, following the game, the girls visited the US Army Aviation Battalion, tried on the gear, and learned about the daily operations.

Overall, the cheerleaders had an incredible time and Krystal said she would love to travel back one day.

“I loved the trip,” Krystal said. “The experience was eye-opening and it was amazing to hear the families’ stories. It was awesome meeting these men and women and their families, as well as meeting the other girls. I’m so thankful for the relationships I built, while I was there, and would go back in a heartbeat.”

These trips are special for the girls and the military bases they visit. To see more photos of the trip visit ProTour Productions Facebook here.

[Krystal at KCChiefs.com]

[ProTour Productions on Facebook]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent