Philadelphia-Area Dance Audition: The Army-Navy Veterans Arena Football Dance Team
Announcing the open call tryout for the 2014 Army Navy Veterans Arena Football Dance Team will be held on Sunday, June 8 at the Clarion Hotel in Essington (76 Industrial Hwy, Essington, PA 19029). The open-call audition registration will take place between 2:30-3:00 p.m. with the audition beginning promptly at 3:00 p.m.
Participants must be a high school graduate and at least 18 years of age by June 28, 2014 with a valid photo ID. Participants are required to wear two-piece dance wear, including a midriff top, lycra shorts and appropriate footwear. Participants will be taught a routine and do not need to prepare their own. Experienced dancers as well as beginners are encouraged to audition. Applicants will be judged on dance ability, appearance, personality and attitude. The open-call audition will be closed to the public.