Ultimate Cheerleaders

MVC Prep Classes- Who Will Wear The Boots in 2015?

By MVC Rhea

rheaHi Vikings Fans! Can you believe we have wrapped up yet another MVC season? Time sure does fly when you are having fun! With the end of the season begins the season of tryouts for the MVC. We are always so excited during this time of preparation and are always looking forward to seeing the amazing talent that comes to auditions beginning in April. If you are an interested candidate for the MVC, take a look below for important dates and information.

How can I learn more about auditions and the MVC in general?

Come join us for audition prep classes! These classes are held every Thursday beginning in March and end the Thursday before open auditions in April.

What to expect at a prep class?

Prep classes are once a week and are held at Winter Park in Eden Prairie. They are led by MVC alum and encompass various aspects of what life is like as an MVC. Each night you stretch, learn a short routine and have a question and answer session with alum, returning MVC and Training Program members. The atmosphere is fun and inviting! We encourage anyone that is interested in auditioning to check a prep class out. One night is also dedicated to health and fitness in which you can experience what an MVC workout is like, with our wonderful Life Time Fitness trainers. And of course, the main goal is to have fun and meet amazing woman that are also interested in the tryout process!

Where can I go to learn more information?

Like us on Facebook and Tweet us on Twitter. The dates for the prep classes are now posted on the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders Facebook page.

Audition prep class dates:

3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9

Come on out for a great night of fun and dancing! As well as learn about the MVC and what the audition process is like.

Skol Vikes and Best of Wishes!

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent