Ultimate Cheerleaders

Adrienne just completed another season with the Richmond's Lady Raiders, here greeting fans before the home game against Nashville

The silvery sparkly Lady Raiders are a big part of Richmond, Virginia’s sports scene, as part of the Richmond Raiders PIFL franchise, and they are a must-see squad in pro-dance. The hats, the capes, the performances…amazing! So I did, I must-saw the squad, directed by Kelly Allen, who spent ten years combined herself dancing for the Wizards and cheering for the ‘Skins.

UltimateCheerleaders will be featuring an interview with Kelly and profiles of the Lady Raiders, but where to start? I’ve got it! Let’s start at the beginning of the alphabet with the lovely veteran standout Lady Raider Adrienne! Let’s learn more about Adrienne:

You were born in what city? Portsmouth, Virginia, raised in Columbia, Maryland

Years on Lady Raiders? Just wrapped up my third year

What age did you start dance? Your first dance performance ever was at what age and what song? I was five years old when I was enrolled in my first classes. I don’t remember my first ballet song, but my first tap song was “Splish Splash”

Your college/major and/or day job is…. I graduated with a B.F.A in Dance and Choreography. I am currently an Activities Coordinator at a Dementia, Nursing, and Assisted Living Community.

Your dream job is? To be a talent scout, write, produce, and direct stage musicals and some TV and film.

Your Lady Raiders Director Kelly is an accomplished singer. What is your “go to” Karaoke song? “The Boy is Mine” by Brandy and Monica, or anything by Destiny’s Child.

As a fan, your favorite college football and NFL teams are… I married into a family of Marshall Alumni, therefore I root for Marshall football. I’ll always love the Redskins, or whatever they change their name to!

What is your favorite things to do in summertime? I love to swim. I love shopping, going to the fairs, festivals, carnivals, riding roller coasters, traveling, and creating fun memories with family and friends.

When out of state friends visit you in Virginia, where are the favorite restaurants and fun things you like to show them? Everywhere! Richmond, Va. has some of the best places to eat, all types of food cultures in one city. Richmond has brought many Food Network shows and celebrities to its unique restaurants.

For the swimsuit calendar for your dance team, if you could choose the location anywhere in the world, where would you send yourself and the squad? Miami, Florida! Somewhere on the beach, or a “Star Island” mansion home that could be used to shoot around the pool and property. Another place would be the Bahamas/Atlantis Resort. It is such a beautiful and fun place to experience.

It was so nice to learn about Adrienne! I am sure it has it challenges and emotional ups and downs, but that is one lucky assisted living facility to have Adrienne brightening their days. A real pro dancer to add some “cheer” to the residents of the community!

The only downside of Adrienne’s profile, now I have “Splish Splash” on a continuous loop playing in my head. And its the Potsie from Happy Days version!

Thanks so, so much to Adrienne, the Lady Raiders, Kelly, and the Richmond Raiders for all of their assistance! More photos of Adrienne from the last Raiders home game of the season are at this link.

Maya is a rookie Snake Charmer during the successful first season of the PIFL's Nashville Venom

Talk about a successful first season! The Nashville Venom entered the Professional Indoor Football League in 2014, compiled the league’s best record, advanced to the championship game, and now will host the PIFL championship on Saturday night against Lehigh Valley.

Same goes for the Venom’s dance team, the Snake Charmers. They are instantly successful with the guidance and leadership of their Coordinator Sissy Brown, a veteran of the NFL sidelines plus AFL experience including being selected for the AFL Dream Team.

In addition, Snake Charmer Maya is in her first season of pro cheerleading, and is a part of this inaugural success on the field and on the sidelines. Maya is a product of Nashville, a college student, and enjoying this first taste of the pro dance experience. Maya shared with UltimateCheerleaders where she inherited her cheer/dance genes from, her secret talents, and why someone should Say Yes to Maya to have her help pick out a wedding dress.

Maya is originally from Nashville and loves her hometown. She has seen the burst of the city of Nashville’s growth and the increased local happenings even during her young life. And now she gets to see all happenings surrounding the brand new Venom up close.

Maya began dancing at age three because her mom wanted her to take dance, “and I ended up loving it” explains Maya. “I’ve always been kind of shy, and dance is a way to let me express myself, and be me. “

And having mom around made things easier when little Maya first danced in public. “It was my first recital and I was three,” Maya recalls. “It wasn’t as scary because it was a ‘Mom and Me’ dance class, so my mom was on stage, too.”

Maya’s mom was a college cheerleader herself, so Maya received the dance/cheer genes from mom. Maya was a cheerleader in middle school, high school, and in college at Tennessee State. But Maya says her biggest achievement in dance thus far is making the Snake Charmers. “My proudest moment in dance would be making this team. This is the biggest thing I’ve done in dance so far, and I just want to keep going.” And what did Maya’s mom think of it? “She was really excited,” reports Maya.

Working with such an experienced pro cheerleader like Titans veteran Sissy as her coach provides Maya with a chance to see what the world of pro dance is like. “I wasn’t quite ready to try out for Titans yet, and I thought it would just be good opportunity to try it, get my feet wet, and see if I like it,” Maya explains. “I’ve learned a lot. It’s a really good experience.”

Maya is a college student, majoring in Business, with a concentration in supply chain management. And Maya’s dream job is a true marriage of all of her interests. “I do know I want to do something with weddings, like being a wedding planner or bridal consultant,” Maya says. So what does the Say Yes to the Dress fan find appealing about weddings? “They’re just really happy and a good time, to be with family and friends coming together. I really like that.”

So let’s say Maya was assisting a bride choose that perfect dress (perhaps a new show, Say Hi-ya to Maya). How would Maya approach helping someone with this huge decision? Maya answers, “I’d first try to see what their vision is, and I would try to the best of my ability, helping them find what they want and also making sure it’s in their price range, because you never want a bride to find a dress that she can’t buy.”

And fashion is one of Maya’s hobbies. “I actually like fashion a lot,” Maya says. “I’m learning to sew.” Her interests are also shared in her family, as one of her cousins is a designer for Kohl’s for their children’s line.

Maya’s other hidden talents include singing. In addition to singing in her church choir, Maya’s go-to karaoke song is Usher’s, “U Got it Bad.” So would Maya like to transition to singer/dancer? “Nah, I’m pretty content with the dancing,” answers Maya.


Indianapolis Tornados Syrens Korine, Director Kim, Bianca, Mari, Sally, Alanna, and Kristen

Indianapolis Tornados Syrens Korine, Director Kim, Bianca, Mari, Sally, Alanna, and Kristen

Commitment. It always seems like the minor league organizations committed to putting the best teams on the field also put the best dance teams on the sidelines. This is the case with the Gridiron Developmental Football League’s Indianapolis Tornados, winning 25 games and losing only two during the 2012 and 2013 seasons, and undefeated so far this season. In line with that success, the Syrens Dance Team also includes top talent and management. In her fourth season as Syrens Director and Choreographer (all while dancing with the Syrens), Kim Roudebush is now also the National Cheer & Dance Commissioner for the GDFL.

In addition, this season, the Syrens added new Assistant Dance Director/Choreographer Jamie Dean. Jamie has been dancing since she was a little, with an extensive cheer and dance background, including cheerleading in college. Jamie in enjoying her new role, helping the individual Syrens grow, succeed, and seeing their confidence boosts. “That is what it is all about,” Jamie says.

The Syrens have a summer of cheer and off the field events ahead of them, including dancing at halftime at the Indiana Fever WNBA game on August 14th. You can get super discounted tickets at this link when you use the password “dance” (of course!)

Thanks to Kim, Jamie, the Syrens, and the Tornados for all of their assistance. And here are some Syrens photos from the big home win 41-18 over the Chargers from St. Louis:

Syrens Assistant Director Jamie and Director Kim

Captain Korine

Veteran Kristen







Chastity of the Tennesess Titans Cheerleaders is raising funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Tennesee Titans Cheerleader Chastity is in the final days of her campaign to be Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Woman of the Year, and her goal is to raise $70,000 and give LLS a research grant to fight blood cancer. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Man & Woman of the Year is:

Each year, in communities across the country, dynamic, passionate candidates engage in a spirited competition to earn The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s “Man & Woman of the Year” titles by raising funds for blood cancer research. The candidates compete in honor of children who are local blood cancer survivors, the Boy & Girl of the Year. Every dollar counts as one vote, and the titles are awarded to the man and woman with the most votes at the end of ten weeks. The top local fundraisers in the country win the national titles. To date, these dedicated leaders have helped LLS invest almost $1 billion in research to advance breakthrough therapies that are saving lives today.

One of Chastity’s motivations is being “called to action by the life of fellow Cheerleader, Robin Roach Towe. Robin left a mark on the Nashville Community after cheering four seasons with the Nashville Kats Arena Football Team. She coached hundreds of cheerleaders and gymnasts and volunteered countless hours in the community. Sadly, in 2002, at age 33, Robin was also diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Robin passed away seven months later.”

Last season at the TTC Halloween game, Chastity’s Princess Leia costume was a magnet to photographers all over LP Field, and when they were not clicking away on their cameras, they were taking photos with their phones. So all you fans of Chastity, the TTC, Princess Leia, and Star Wars, read about Chastity’s emotional connection to her cause at this link and donate!

More photos of Chastity from last October are at this link, and if you go to the pics, you better donate! Otherwise, karma from the dark side of the force will catch up to you!

The Colts Cheerleaders march near the front of Indy's 500 Festival Parade

..with a performance by the Indianapolis Colts Cheerleaders and an appearance by the Indiana Pacemates!

The Colts Cheerleaders were part of the parade’s opening number then marched at the front of Indiana’s largest parade. The ICC marched on a glorious Saturday afternoon through the streets of downtown Indianapolis.

And of course, the Pacers are right in the hunt in the NBA playoffs, so the parade fans cheered on Pacemates Desiree and Jessica as they rode along with that kooky Boomer. I am sure Desiree, a former Colts Cheerleader at the Super Bowl, would love to add NBA Finals to her list of experiences!

Pacemates Desiree and Jessica keep that rascal Boomer in line

More parade photos are at this link

Lakelyn (lower left) and Jessi (lower right) are in "Million Dollar Arm"

Not only are Lakelyn and Jessi known for dancing for Nashville’s NHL’s Predators and NFL’s Titans, respectively, and taking time away from their teams to be part of the national tour of Dance Y’all in 2013, but they now can be seen in Disney’s Million Dollar Arm. What a few months for Jessi, who was also in a scene in Anchorman 2.

You can see Jessi and Lakelyn in the preview below about halfway through:


A Cincinnati Ben-Gal

Angel McPherson is the Director and Team Captain for the new Oklahoma City Bounty Hunters cheer/dance team, The Hit Squad. The Bounty Hunters are part of the GDFL (Gridiron Developmental Football League), and their season runs through the summer, with the first home game on June 7th at Putnam City Stadium.

Angel will be holding auditions on April 19th at 10am in Oklahoma City at Lighthouse Sports, Fitness, and Health. They are currently sponsored by both Lighthouse Fitness and One Healthy Bod (the same trainers that work with the Oklahoma City Thunder Girls). More information is on Facebook at this link.

The Chicago Thunder Football Club, a proud member of the MidStates Football League of minor league outdoor football, is expanding its organization to include for the first time ever a professional dance team. Jenny Hinz, the Director of the Chicago Thunder Dancers informs us of their upcoming Auditions, and additional information is below:

Chicago, Are you Ready to Go Pro?

Chicago Thunder Dancers Auditions

April 6 5-7:30pm

*FFC Gym East Lakeview, 3657 N Pinegrove Ave, Chicago Il 60613.

$20. Come camera ready as we will be filming the web series: Chicago Thunder Dancers, Making the Team! Email chicagothunderdancers@gmail.com to register or receive additional information

PS, Jenny is twin sister of Megan Hinz, the Director of Major League Lacrosse’s Ohio Dance Machine!

Third Year Orlando Magic Dancer Krystle before Wednesday night’s game at Amway Center