Ultimate Cheerleaders


A Minnesota Vikings Cheerleader

It’s been awhile since we’ve done one of these, and the quick-change Arizona Sidewinders gave us five different looks at their May 16th game.


1. Greeting the fans before the game, the Sidewinders wore jackets over their copper tops, shorts and boots.


2. For the first half the jackets came off and the boots were replaced with Nikes.


3. For the second half the copper tops were traded for white and the shorts for skirts


4. For their third quarter performance the dancers went with a country look.


5. For the after game autograph session the Sidewinders donned their jackets and boots once again.

What is your favorite Arizona Sidewinders look?

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From 2005 – Washington Redskins Cheerleader Chastity


The Sidewinders are the dance team for the Arizona Rattlers, performing at their home games in the US Airways Arena.


They are the AFL’s longest running dance team and were the named league’s Dance Team of the Year in 2011 and 2013.


In February the squad had the privilege of performing with Kary Perry during the Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show.

The Sidewinders are under the direction of Angie Baker. Angie was a four-time Sidewinder and represented her squad as part of the 2007 Arena Bowl Dream Team. After the Sidewinders, she cheered for the Arizona Cardinals for 2 seasons. She then returned to the Sidewinders as Director. She’s now in her 6th season running the squad and was the Director of the AFL Dream Team at last year’s Arena Bowl in Cleveland.

Captain and four-year veteran Heather.



[Rams Cheerleaders in Mexico Gallery]


A New York Titans Siren

Kings Vision was on hand for the 14-15 Ice Crew calendar photo shoot ! Check out this profile featuring Ms. February 2015, Becky!

Ice_Crew_Calendar_2014_0363 copy


A Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader


The Phoenix Suns Dancers on a billboard outside US Airways Arena

2014 Choreography Pros Pro Dance Team Convention- Inside look & Interviews and Master Class from Choreography Pros on Vimeo