Wings Angels Performance & Fashion Show
At the G Lounge this Thursday night!
Jaxx Announce 2nd “Diamond Girls” Audition
Tryouts are this Saturday!
SI Gallery Update – NBA
Clippers Spirit and Clippers Fan Patrol!
ChivaGirls Audition Update
Final auditions tonight!
The Snake Charmers
NBA D-league action!
The Comedy Central Insider Boilerplate Interview: Anjelah Johnson
“Of all the stand-ups who were once cheerleaders for the Oakland Raiders, Anjelah Johnson is definitely the best…”
2010 AVP Auditions
Auditions for the 2010 AVP Dancers were a big success! A lot of talented dancers showed up for the opportunity to spend their summer entertaining fans at the annual AVP (Association of Volleyball Professionals) Tournament. Whitney Frink, a former Atlanta Falcons Cheerleader, had conceived of the AVP Dancers after seeing the dancers at the Volleyball […]
Philadelphia Wings Angels Cassey and Stephanie
Sisters and Angels.
Cheerleaders bring Dallas Cowboys Glitz to Mantown at Shopko Hall in Ashwaubenon
DCCs Brittany Evans and Trisha Trevino visit Wisconsin