SI Gallery Update – NFL
Game day action.
Washington Wizard Girls Charity Swimsuit Calendar Release Party
Next Friday at The Liason Capitol Hill
Trials held for hockey dance team
Looking for ways to enhance the experience for the ticket-buying public, the Calgary Flames investigated the idea of a cheer team this fall…
One Week to Go: World’s Toughest Uniform Quiz
Test your knowledge of Cheerleader uniforms.
Alaska Wild Dance Team Auditions
Tryouts are Saturday, November 21st!
On The Flipside: Land Shark Stadium
Florida Marlins Mermaid Carin is On the Flipside
On The Scene: Marketing with Spirit
How Kelli Finglass built the DCC into an international brand.
2009 MVC profiles
Individual photos
Eagles Cheerleaders Around Town
Photos from recent appearances
Richmond Raider Cheer/Dance Team Auditions
Tryouts are November 27th, 28th and 29th!