Ultimate Cheerleaders

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

Flashback–Years Past

Random NBA Dance Team Pic of the Day

Buccaneers Cheerleaders, Season Finale — Part 2 of 2

We added many photos to our game album of the Falcons at Buccaneers played last Sunday. Enjoy. Our game album is HERE

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

Flashback–Years Past

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders Dance Into The Season’s Sunset

Another successful season for the talented and beautiful ladies of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Remember they are not responsible for the W & L results. The halftime was very enjoyable as each cheerleader introduced herself on the jumbo scoreboard while showcasing her signature dance move at the 50 yard line. Hopefully the Buccaneers will post […]

Flashback–Years Past

Random NBA Dance Team Pic of the Day

The Lightning Girls Of Tampa Bay

Exciting times in Tampa Bay as the Lightning finished the calendar year in first place of the NHL. Here’s some photos of the talented, beautiful and fan friendly Lightning Girls. The ladies are led by their Captain, 6th year Alyssa. She should be vested in ownership pretty soon! Lightning Girl Album is HERE