Ultimate Cheerleaders

Eagles Cheerleaders at the Kickoff Party

eaglessmall2Photos from the party!

Wild Things Tryouts are November 1st


NFL Pre-Season Week #3 – Washington Redskins Cheerleaders

redskinspre3-011Still trying to play catch up

Calgary Roughnecks Drill Crew Auditions

drillcrewTryouts are Monday, September 28th.

Vikings Cheerleader Blogs

pamelavikingsKrisan and Pamela will be blogging all season long.

Friday Round-up

wizgirlsbviLinks and more!

2009-10 San Diego Charger Girls

casieThe Charger Girls are online.

Best Week of Her Life

christinesmallIt’s Christine’s birthday, she made the cover and the calendar, and there’s more!

Sweethearts for Soldiers Deadline is Three Days Away

sweetheartsApplication Deadline is September 20th. Plus Donald Wells is the Director of Marketing/Sponsorships for the Sweethearts!

From The Archives – Raiderette Gretchen Stockdale

One of my all time favorite Raiderette, Gretchen Stockdale is featured in this edition of From the Archives.