Ultimate Cheerleaders

Dolphins Cheerleaders Select 38 Women To Advance To Training Camp

Random NBA Dance Team Pic of the Day

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

ROAR of the Jaguars Preliminary Audition Photos

The Jacksonville Jaguars recently held preliminary auditions for the 2018-2019 ROAR of the Jaguars.  Click here to view the images.

Random NBA Dance Team Pic of the Day

Houston Texans Cheerleaders Audition Photos

The Houston Texans held their annual cheer fest this past weekend and they posted three huge audition galleries.  Click here, here and here to see if things are really bigger in Texas…yes, they are, in terms of turnout!

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

Spotlight On Dolphins Cheerleaders Emily and Katie.

First year Emily and Katie will be auditioning this Sunday to retain their spots on Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders for a second season. Good luck ladies. Emily is from Newtown, CT  and currently living in Miami. She previously has lived in Rome and spent a summer traveling throughout Italy learning art history as well as her […]

Jets Flight Crew Audition Photos

The New York Jets held preliminary auditions on Saturday, April 7 and they have posted some images from the event on their website.  Click here to view the gallery.

Random NBA Dance Team Pic of the Day