Ultimate Cheerleaders

Search results for: charger girls

2012 Charger Girl Final Auditions – Part 3

Today we have the last batch of photos from this year’s Charger Girls final audition. Letters L through T. As I look back through all of the photos, I find it a bit of a bummer that though I’ve got zillions of photos of some girls, there are others who only have one or two. […]

2012 Charger Girl Final Auditions – Part 1

I’ve decided to make this a three-parter. I will be posting the photos over the next couple of days, so as not to overwhelm you with too many photos at once. A few things you need to know before we get started: This first batch includes the ladies whose names start with the letter “A”, […]

Field Trip: Charger Girl prelims

I look forward to Charger Girl auditions every year. It’s one of the most fun things I get to do as part of this blog. Now, I realize the auditions are long over and every knows who made the team. So these photos are a little late. There are two reasons for that. (1) I […]

ChivaGirls: Looking Back and Moving Forward

In case you hadn’t noticed from the banner in rotation at the top of this page, ChivaGirl auditions are coming up soon. January 21st to be exact. (Write it down. Circle it in red.) Those of you who have been with us for a while, know that the ChivaGirls are one of my very favoritest […]

Chargers Quoth The Ravens…”Nevermore!”

On the last home game of the season, the Chargers hosted the Baltimore Ravens before a Sunday Night Football audience.  With the Texans loss earlier in the day, the Ravens entered Qualcomm stadium as the #1 seed in the AFC.  At the conclusion of the game, the Ravens held the #5 seed pending the outcome […]

A Reversal of Fortune – The Chargers Stampede The Buffalo Bills

Two weeks ago, the Chargers were reeling from six consecutive losses that put them out of the playoff hunt.  Two weeks later, the Chargers are riding high after two consecutive wins, reversing their losing streak.  The latest victim of the Chargers’ resurgence were the Buffalo Bills, who flew into San Diego to escape the cold. […]

Broncos Kick The Chargers While They Are Down

Last time, I speculated that the Chargers were at a crossroads and that the path that they were on was to mediocrity.  This week, speculation turned into confirmation.  The Chargers are a mediocre team…and that is being kind. This past Sunday, the Denver Broncos came to town sporting a 4-1 record under new starting QB […]

Where Are They Now? 2010 Charger Girl Kylie A.

A couple of days ago, I received an email from the grandmother of former Charger Girl Kylie to let us know what she was up to.  If you read her bio on Chargers.com, you know that Kylie, like many Charger Girls, was an accomplished college student and this year she had the opportunity to study […]

Raiders Bushwhack The Chargers

The Raiders are not a good team.  Not by any standards.  They start a quarterback who has not played meaningful football for most of the year.  Their star running back was injured and riding the pine.  But they can be dangerous if you don’t come to play with the requisite level intensity and skill that […]

Kids NewsDay: Chargers help raise money for Children’s Hospital

Tuesday was the San Diego Union-Tribune’s annual “Kids’ NewsDay.” The annual event is a fundraiser organized by the San Diego Union-Tribune for Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego. Local celebrities, including members of the San Diego Chargers and and Charger Girls, took to the streets to sell special $1 editions of the paper, which included […]