Ultimate Cheerleaders

Search results for: charger girls

Rain Dance – The 2016 Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders

Who said it never rains in Southern California?  Well it certainly did last Sunday…and I am sure the visiting Miami Dolphins were well accustomed to that, but for me and 28 Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders, it was a surreal experience. So, what are those spots you see in some of those photos above?  To Southern […]

Philip Rivers Turns San Diego Into Pick City

It was an unseasonably hot Sunday in Southern California…perfect weather for some football.  The Miami Dolphins made a cross country trek to battle the San Diego Chargers in a game that was played more for pride than a chance at the playoffs.  Both teams, sporting mediocre records, are long shots at making the postseason considering […]

Snatching Victory From The Jaws of Defeat in San Diego

San Diego, CA. (October 2, 2016).  The Saints came marching in and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.  Yep…they sure did.  Looking to exploit a weak Saints defense, the Chargers took a 13 point lead deep into the fourth quarter, only to turn the ball over twice in their own territory.  The Saints, led […]

UPDATE: Who is the First-ever British Cheerleader in the NFL?

UPDATE: An astute reader has emailed me to let me know that there was another cheerleader from Britain who preceded Holly in cheering for the NFL.  Her name is Angela G. who cheered for the San Diego Charger Girls in 2014.  As luck would happen, I photographed Angela and here’s a photo of her as […]

2016 P-R-O Convention All Star: Los Angeles Rams Cheerleader Shelbie

NFL football  came back to Los Angeles in a big way this past year with the return of the Rams.  And at their final auditions, former professional cheerleaders from other renown teams tried out so much so that I commented that it was like creating a rock and roll super group in that you could […]

Homecoming: The 2016 Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders Final Auditions

Much has been written about the return of professional football to the City of Angels.  There were the many abortive attempts over the years to build stadiums that never gained traction among the various stakeholders in the community and in the NFL.  And it appeared that the league was more interested in using the threat […]

2016 L.A. Rams Cheerleaders Announced

The 2016 L.A. Rams Cheerleaders were announced last night at their final auditions.  You can see the Rams announcement here.  I was there on behalf of UltimateCheerleaders.com and as I review and post process the over two thousand photos, let me tease you with this…it was an awesome event and this squad will be one […]

Former Guam SKIP dancer makes it to the big leagues

Beatrix P. For GSPN March 30, 2016 In this exclusive first-person perspective, San Diego Chargers cheerleader Beatrix reflects on her journey from taking ballet lessons on Guam to being a cheerleader in the NFL. Beatrix is the fourth known NFL cheerleader from Guam, following Pia Gillan (Seahawks), Maria DeCabooter (Cardinals), and Deborah Luck (Raiders.) I’ve […]

Zonas Designs Wishing You A Happy New Year

Happy New Year! You know what that means, NFL cheerleader auditions are just around the corner! My name is Stacie Marie and I am the owner of Zonas Designs along with a former NFL Pro Bowl Cheerleader. I cheered in the NFL for 6 years and after a constant struggle of not finding that perfect […]

The 2014 Ladies of Ontario Fury Dance Team Auditions

This past Saturday, the Ontario Fury of the MASL held their auditions for their 2014 dance team, the Ladies of Ontario Fury.  Last year was their inaugural season and I can testify that their dance team made an audacious debut.  The squad is under the direction of Lynae de Leon, a former Clippers Spirit dancer, […]