Ultimate Cheerleaders

2013 P-R-O Convention

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Seattle Sea Gal Tamaria

As we begin to wind down our coverage of the 2013 P-R-O Convention, we feature the first of three Seattle Sea Gals in a row.  I first saw this wonderful cheerleader at last year’s convention and she made quite an impression.  And this year was no different.  In this edition of the 2013 P-R-O Convention […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Charlotte Lady Cat Kristi

You know, professional cheerleaders have to be physically fit and it’s no secret.  It’s a part of the job.  They have to look good in the uniform.  And they all know it.  So I don’t feel too bad when I say that I think that the squad that was the most physically fit was the […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader Alyssa

Purple is my favorite color and I am naturally attracted to women wearing outfits with that pleasing mix of red and blue.  I guess that’s one of the reasons why I really liked the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders and the Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders.  I doesn’t hurt that their girls were gorgeous and wearing some of the […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Arizona Cardinals Cheerleader Elisa

I have been going to the Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders auditions for the past several years and I always have a great time doing so.  And every year, I look forward to seeing the new crop of girls that make the squad.  I think there’s something refreshing and charming about the rookies and as I have […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Minnesota Vikings Cheerleader Rachel

Since I have been coming to P-R-O, I have been impressed with the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders.  Great looking girls.  Great looking uniforms.  Vivacious performers.  This year, I met a couple of rookie Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders who were excited to be on the squad and very excited to be at P-R-O representing the Purple People Eaters […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: St. Louis Rams Cheerleader Holly

For the past two years, I have covered the St. Louis Rams auditions for UltimateCheerleaders.com.  It’s a great gig.  The girls are amazing.  The show is fantastic.  And I always seem to get great shots of the Rams Cheerleaders.  So when they began attending P-R-O, I was excited because they have a great squad and […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Seattle Sea Gal Shelly

The Seattle Sea Gals always bring a small, but spirited group of “gals” to the P-R-O Convention and I always enjoy photographing them for their distinctive west coast style.  And they do have one of the more distinctive uniforms in the NFL and as you might imagine, I am a uniform kind of guy.  So […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Houston Texans Cheerleader Lesha

The Houston Texans brought perhaps the largest contingent cheerleaders and that’s no surprise as one of the principals of All Pro-3 is the Texans Director Alto Gary.  And this year, she has assembled a great group of cheerleaders and one of them who was gracious enough to pose for me was Lesha, whose model good […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Jacksonville Axe Maiden Carolyn

On Friday, James and I were having dinner over at the Atlanta Hilton and we ran into a group of three Jacksonville Axe Maidens.  They were sitting over at the next table to us and we both figured that they were here for the P-R-O convention because any group of beautiful, young women we saw […]

2013 P-R-O Convention All Star: Arizona Cardinals Cheerleader Chelsey

I first met Chelsey five years ago at the 2009 Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders auditions. It was my first audition and I felt like a fish out of water being that I was the only man amongst over 200 girls.  But during some down time for judging, I did get a chance to chat up Chelsey […]