Ultimate Cheerleaders


Photo of the Day – September 28

Leah of the Philadelphia Fight Vixens

VFC Fight Vixens Dance Team

The Vixens are the dance team of for the VFC Fight of the AMNRL. The Vixens are under the direction of Heather Grasso. A few weeks ago, I visited the Vixens at a game in Northern Delaware. [Vixens Dance Team Gallery] [Vixens Dance Team]

Photo of the Day – June 18

Jacksonville Axe Maidens Auditions are Saturday, April 21st

[Axe Maidens on Facebook]

Audition for The Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team

Auditions for The Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team will be held on April 15th at 9am sharp at The Valley Forge Casino 1160 First Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 in the Franklin & Adams Room of the Independence ballroom. Do not be late to this audition as registration starts promptly at 9am and the […]

Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team

Vixen now an Eagle

Congratulations to Cat one of the newest members of the Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders. She survived a nearly month-long audition process and multiple cuts culminating in the Finals last Wednesday night. Go here to see a video of the thirty-eight ladies of the new 2011-12 squad. They will make their official debut at the Eagles Draft […]

Fight Vixens Dance Team Pre-audition Workshops Announced

CaRu Entertainment and the Fight Vixens will be hosting a pre-audition workshop at the Suburban Sports Training Center on Saturday, Jan. 15 from 3-6 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 16 at 12-3 p.m. SSTC is located at 1032 Conshohocken Road, Conshohocken, PA, 19428. Anyone interested in auditioning to be a part of the 2011 Vixens Dance […]

Dancing on the High Seas

Dominique danced for the Philadelphia Wings Angels for three seasons and the Philadelphia Fight Vixens for one. Last year she graduated from the University of the Arts with a BFA in Ballet. After graduations she landed a gig dancing on a cruise ship.  While she was back on land in LA rehearsing for a new ship […]

P-R-O 2010: The Jacksonville Axe Maidens

One of the challenges of assembling a convention of Pro Cheerleaders and Dancers from across the sports world is that somewhere there’s always being a game played. That was the case with the Jacksonville Axe Men rugby team. A game was scheduled the same day that P-R-O opened, so only two Axe Maidens and Director […]