Ultimate Cheerleaders


Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team

A real scorcher last Saturday. Philadelphia was in the middle of a searing heat wave, but that didn’t stop the ladies of the Vixens Dance Team from giving an outstanding performance at the Aston-Philadelphia Rugby match. The Vixens are the dance team for the Philadelphia Fight Rugby Club. Their mission is to enhance the Fight […]

Axe Maidens Let Us Play!

The Axe Maidens greeted families at the Let Us Play! Health & Fitness Expo on April 22nd & 23rd at Jacksonville Municipal Stadium. The Axemen had a booth at the event where players and Axe Maidens handed out stickers and goodies including passes to an upcoming game. The Axe Maidens visited the ROAR at the […]

Axe Maidens at Old Navy

The Old Navy Modelquins that have been featured in the recent TV ads are the latest fans of the Jacksonville Axemen and were only too happy to pose for some group photos at a recent appearance at Old Navy located at the River City Market (near Jacksonville International Airport). There was a rumor that one […]

2010 Jacksonville Axe Maidens

The 2010 Axe Maidens have been selected. Auditions for the 2010 Axe Maidens took place on April 10th at Bailey’s Powerhouse Gym in Jacksonville, Florida. Contestants were taught three routines during the week (short sideline, kickline and a dance) then performed them in front of a panel of judges. Judges included Axemen/Axe Maidens sponsors, investors […]

Angels, Vixens and Alumni. Oh, My!

Photos from the last 2 games!

Jacksonville Axe Madiens Auditions

Auditions are Saturday, April 10th!

Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team Auditions are this Sunday!

vixenssmallTryouts are Sunday, March 14th!

Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team Auditions

vixenssmallTryouts are Sunday, March 14th!

Vixens Dance Team Auditions

vixenssmallTryouts are Sunday, March 14th!

Axe Maidens at the MDA Stride & Ride for a Cure Event
