Ultimate Cheerleaders

Austin Toros

Austin Toros Capital City Dancers

Led by Director & Choreographer Marcella Garcia, the Capital City Dancers are in their ninth season as integral part of the game night experience at NBDL Austin Toros games. [Capital City Dancers Website] [Capital City Dancers on Twitter] [Capital City Dancers on Instagram]

Austin Toros Announce Dance Team Tryout Dates

The Austin Toros announced that auditions for the 2010-11 Capital City Dancers will take place on September 11-14. Preliminary auditions are September 11th at 24 Hour Fitness at Parmer Lane from noon to 6 p.m. The semi-final round on September 12th consists of personal interviews, and finals take place at Aces Lounge on Tuesday, Sept. […]

2009-10 San Antonio Spurs Silver Dancers

200910spursCongratulations to the new squad!

P-R-O: The San Antonio Spurs Silver Dancers

spurs23The Spurs Silver Dancers make their first visit to the P-R-O Convention

Austin Toros Hire New Dance Team Director

monicatorosMonica Aguilar is the new Director and Choreographer for the Capital City Dance Team and the Toros Junior Dancers.