Ultimate Cheerleaders

Baltimore Mariners

Baltimore Lady Mariner Auditions Are This Saturday

Got moves?? Want to dance for a professional team?? Audition to be a 2014 Baltimore Lady Mariner! The Baltimore Mariners professional indoor football team is back to the Baltimore Arena! We are looking for beautiful and talented ladies to dance at Mariner home games, grace the pages of our season calendar, and responsibly represent the […]

Photo of the Day – April 2

A trio of Baltimore Lady Mariners

Photo of the Day – August 21

From 2010 – A Baltimore Mariners Cheerleader

Reading Express Smokin’ Hot Steam Team
With a Bonus Appearance from the Baltimore Mariners Cheerleaders

Back in the late 1970s, professional cheerleading, especially in the NFL, exploded. Lots of squads were added, or “modern” cheerleaders replaced the older pom squads. It was a sort of crazy time. Because it was so new, there was much experimenting going. One of my favorites was having the visiting team’s squad performing in uniform […]

Baltimore Mariners Cheerleaders

Originally, I was going to stop in Baltimore on my way back from Charlotte on March 14th and cover the Baltimore Mariners Cheerleaders. But when I exited I-95 I was caught in a Sunday afternoon(!) traffic jam. It seems some major streets were closed for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. So, I never made it […]

Baltimore Mariner Cheerleaders Auditions

marinerssmallPhotos from Auditions!

Baltimore Mariners/Blast Cheerleaders Prep Class

ladymarinersPrep class this Wednesday!

Baltimore Mariners Cheerleaders Audition Date Set

marinerssmallTryouts are Sunday, January 31st at 1st Mariner Arena!

Elizabeth Guaraldo, New Director of Baltimore Mariners Cheerleading

lizsmall1Congratulations, Liz!

Baltimore Mariners Seek Dance/Cheerleading Team Coordinator

ladymarinersIf you’ve ever wanted a chance to direct, here’s your chance.