Ultimate Cheerleaders


Former HC Bronco Cheering on Denver’s Broncos

By Shay Burk The Hastings Tribune When Super Bowl 50 kicks off Sunday, some Hastings residents won’t be looking for Peyton Manning to yell “Omaha” or for “Superman” quarterback Cam Newton’s moves on the field. Instead, they’ll be looking for a familiar face. Among the 26 members of the Denver Broncos cheer squad is Hastings […]

Former Cheerleader Talks About Being on the Sidelines for the Broncos’ First Super Bowl

By Lindsay Watts TheDenverChannel.com It was nearly four decades ago when the Denver Broncos made their first Super Bowl appearance, and a Boulder woman got to see that game right from the field. Pat Mansfield went by ‘Pat Chance’ back when she was selected to be a cheerleader on the newly formed Pony Express. “It […]