Ultimate Cheerleaders


Meet Miami Dolphins Cheerleader Jodi, Miss May 2016

Jodi is a third-year veteran and team captain. She is originally from Miami but currently resides in Pembroke Pines. Jodi also is of Caribbean descent. Jodi is currently studying broadcast media, and last year was Miss March 2015. She has had the privilege of going on military tours to Afghanistan, Kuwait, Djibouti, UAE, Ethiopia and […]

Alison is Miss April 2016 in the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders Calendar

Alison is a fourth year veteran and team captain. She is originally from Lighthouse Point, FL but resides currently in Fort Lauderdale. This marks Alison’s third year on the calendar shoot, serving most recently as Miss August 2015. Alison has had the privilege of going on two military tours to Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, UAE, Ethiopia and […]

LA Kings 2014-15 Ice Crew Calendar Shoot Bloopers

Check out the hilarious outtakes that come with hours of shooting during the 14-15 calendar shoot.

Macy is Miss March in the Dolphins Cheerleaders New Swimsuit Calendar

Macy is a fourth year veteran and team captain. This marks her 3rd year on the calendar shoot, as she was Miss December 2014 and Miss December 2015. Macy currently resides in Palm Beach Gardens. She is featured here in DESPI Swimwear and Lavish Jewelry. Photo courtesy of the Miami Dolphins   [Macy at DolphinsCheerleaders.com]

Monica Starting Third Year On The MDC

The Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders will host their annual Swimsuit Calendar Unveiling and Fashion Show on Friday September 18th. Today we had the pleasure to interviewed 3rd year veteran Monica, Miss February 2016. Get your tickets here. Monica in 2014 versus San Diego UC – Monica, tell us about being chosen as swimsuit cover model last […]

LA Kings 2014-15 Ice Crew Profile – The Guys

Kings Vision was on hand for the 14-15 Ice Crew calendar photo shoot! Check out this profile featuring all the Ice Crew Guys!

Dolphins Allison Will Appear As Miss January

We were very lucky to corner 2nd-year veteran Allison for a chat regarding the 2016 MDC Swimsuit Calendar. The unveiling and fashion show will be Friday, September 18th at the North Club, Sun Life Stadium. Get your tickets and/or order your calendar at DolphinsCheerleaders.com/Unveiling. UC–A swimsuit gig seems to be easy–describe the “behind the photo […]

LA Kings 2014-15 Ice Crew Profile – Kendall

Kings Vision was on hand for the 14-15 Ice Crew calendar photo shoot! Check out this profile featuring Ms. October 2015, Kendall!

Texans’ cheerleaders unveil annual swimsuit calendar

By Joy Sewing August 10, 2015 Houston Texans cheerleaders in swimsuits. Need we say more? Fans got a rare treat as the Texans cheerleaders unveiled their 9th annual swimsuit calendar at the Go Texas Store at NRG Stadium on Saturday. The 12 calendar cheerleaders were seated in front of their life-size swimsuit photos as they […]

Texans Cheerleaders Release Swimsuit Calendar

The Houston Texans Cheerleaders held their release party at NRG Stadium Saturday. Calendars are $10 each and the proceeds go to charity. [Calendar Release Gallery]