Ultimate Cheerleaders

Chicago Rush

Adrenaline Rush Dancers Spend Thanksgiving with Navy

Final Auditions are this Saturday and Open to the Public The Mt. Prospect American Legion proudly hosted members of the U.S. Navy on Thursday, November 25, to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Many service men and women are unable to enjoy Thanksgiving with their families during their short break; fortunately the American Legion honors the service of these […]

2011 Chicago Adrenaline Rush Dancer Tryouts Set for November 21

The Chicago Rush is looking for 16 articulate, attractive, multi-talented performers to represent the team as members of the 2011 Adrenaline Rush Dancers. Those women will be selected when the Rush holds auditions for the squad beginning November 21, the team announced today. Dancers who meet the criteria who wish to audition for the 2011 […]

2010 Adrenaline Rush

2010-rush-compProfiles now online.

Students Graduate From Ballroom to Hip Hop

jacquelinebullsA former Luvabull and Adrenaline Rush Dancer teaches kids some new moves.

2010 Adrenaline Rush Dancers Selected

2010adrenaline-rushAfter a year-long hiatus, the Adrenaline Rush Dancers are back.

Adrenaline Rush Dancers Back in 2010

rush1Tryouts are January 9th!