Ultimate Cheerleaders

Jacksonville Axemen

2010 Jacksonville Axe Maidens

The 2010 Axe Maidens have been selected. Auditions for the 2010 Axe Maidens took place on April 10th at Bailey’s Powerhouse Gym in Jacksonville, Florida. Contestants were taught three routines during the week (short sideline, kickline and a dance) then performed them in front of a panel of judges. Judges included Axemen/Axe Maidens sponsors, investors […]

Jacksonville Axe Madiens Auditions

Auditions are Saturday, April 10th!

Axe Maidens at the MDA Stride & Ride for a Cure Event


Movie Premiere with the Axemen and Axe Maidens

axepostersigningThe Axe Maidens screen Invictus

Axe Maidens Blog: Marines 5k Marathon

5krunmicheleThe latest from the Jacksonville Axe Maidens.

Axe Maidens Blog: Keana at the ROAR Alumni Game


“Reporting LIVE from Jacksonville, FL….It’s Michele and Dee Dee of the Jacksonville Axe Maidens!”

axemenaxemaidens1Axe Maidens on the Air!

Cheerleaders and Rugby Players up for Auction

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Axe Maidens at Quad Rugby Summer Slam

axequad1Cara and Dee Dee play wheelchair rugby.

P-R-O: Jacksonville Axe Maidens

Photos from the P-R-O Convention