Los Angeles Lakers

Victor Harbor girl Lana’s our lady of the Lakers

Victor Harbor girl Lana Robinson has hit it big in LA, dancing with Rihanna as one of the sexy Lakers cheerleaders. Matt Gilbertson Adelaide Now April 03, 2011 The 23-year-old is following in the footsteps of Paula Abdul as a member of the world famous Los Angeles basketball cheerleader squad. “I know that that are […]

Laker Girl Profile: Lana

Lana cherished working with Rihanna during NBA All-Star weekend This is the thirteenth post of a weekly LA Times series that helps you get to know the Laker Girls Mark Medina LA Times Lakers Blog March 24, 2011 Laker Girl name: Lana Hometown: Victor Harbor, Australia Area of Residence: Orange County, CA High School: University […]

Laker Girl Profile: Ashley

Ashley hopes to later work as a counselor or teacher This is the twelfth post of a weekly LA Times series that helps you get to know the Laker Girls Mark Medina LA Times Lakers Blog March 16, 2011 Laker Girl name: Ashley Hometown: Yorba Linda, CA Area of Residence: Yorba Linda, CA High School: […]

Laker Girl Profile: Erin

Erin wants to work in the fashion industry This is the eleventh post of a weekly LA Times series that helps you get to know the Laker Girls Mark Medina LA Times Lakers Blog March 5, 2011 Laker Girl name: Erin Hometown: Bridgewater, NJ Area of Residence: Downtown – Los Angeles, CA High School: Fashion […]

Laker Girl Profile: Veronica

Veronica sees benefits in not stressing the little things This is the tenth post of a weekly LA Times series that helps you get to know the Laker Girls Mark Medina LA Times Lakers Blog February 12, 2011 Laker Girl name: Veronica Hometown: Covina, CA Area of Residence: Covina, CA High School: Temple City High […]

Laker Girl Profile: Leah

Leah points to lip balm as her beauty secret This is the ninth post of a weekly LA Times series that helps you get to know the Laker Girls Mark Medina LA Times Lakers Blog February 12, 2011 Laker Girl name: Leah Year on Squad: 1st Hometown: Spencer, MA Area of Residence: Los Angeles, CA […]

Laker Girl Profile: Octavia

Octavia recently turned her living room into a dance studio This is the eighth post of a weekly LA Times series that helps you get to know the Laker Girls Mark Medina LA Times Lakers Blog January 23, 2011 Laker Girl name: Octavia Hometown: Albuquerque, NM Years on the Laker Girls squad: 2 Area of […]

Making of the Laker Girls Calendar

Fox Sports West has a three part video series on the making of the 2011 Laker Girls calendar. Watch the video here. [Laker Girls Website] [Order the Laker Girls Calendar]

SI.com: Los Angeles Laker Girls

Sports Illustrated has a new gallery of photos of the Laker Girls on the court. Click here to go there now!

Laker Girl Profile: Danielle

Danielle a big fan of Crest strips This is the seventh post of a weekly LA Times series that helps you get to know the Laker Girls Mark Medina LA Times Lakers Blog January 15, 2011 Laker Girl name: Danielle Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky Years on the Laker Girls squad: 1 Area of Residence: North Hollywood, […]