Ultimate Cheerleaders

Minnesota Swarm

Minnesota Swarm Performance Team

The National Lacrosse League season ended earlier this month, but still not too late to share these photos that Mark from St. Paul took of the Swarm Performance Team at their playoff game. [Minnesota Swarm Performance Team]

2011 Minnesota Swarm Performance Team Debut

The National Lacrosse League began it’s 2011 season last weekend and here’s the Minnesota Swarm Performance Team with a routine that spotlights each dancer. [Swarm Performance Team] [Performance Team on Twitter]

2011 Minnesota Swarm Performance Team Selected

By Jessica Baltes MNSwarm.com With the 2011 season quickly approaching, the Minnesota Swarm have selected the members of the Swarm Performance Team (SPT) after six hours of evaluations at CorePower Yoga in Highland Park. The event kicked off on Saturday at 5 p.m. with 29 girls in attendance. Head Coach and Coordinator Tami Krause and […]

Betsy – Minnesota Swarm Performance Team

Minnesota Swarm Performance Team member Betsy is a natural performer. She began studying Russian Classical Ballet at the age of 4. In Russian Classical Ballet she explains the dancer perfects every single detailed movement before advancing. The main focus is on strength and endurance. It’s very precise and nit-picky, but it does develop muscles in a […]

More Attorneys

lawcandaceramsFour more stereotype breakers.

2010 Minnesota Swarm Performance Team Calendar

swarmcalendarIt’s the first ever calendar for the team!

Hudson Native Joins Minnesota Swarm Dance Team

bethsmallAfter dancing for UW-Eau Claire, Beth has moved up to the pros.

2010 Minnesota Swarm Performance Team

mnswarmAuditions were this past weekend.

Minnesota Swarm Performance Team Tryouts

swarmperformAuditions are Saturday, October 24th