Ultimate Cheerleaders


Busted Computer, Busy Weekend

weeeknsmallEagles Cheerleaders, Smokin’ Hot Steam Team, Green Hawks Dance Team, KiXX Dance Team and a busted motherboard.

Philadelphia KiXX Announce 2010 Dance Clinic

kixx-085smallThe Clinic is February 7th with a chance to perform at the February 20th game.

Baltimore Mariners/Blast Cheerleaders Prep Class

ladymarinersPrep class this Wednesday!

KiXX Dance Team Home Opener

kixx-085smallPhotos of the team’s 2010 debut!

KiXX Dance Team Calendar Night

kixxcalFree calendar to the first 1,000 fans (18 and older)

Season’s Greetings from the Baltimore Blast Cheerleaders

blast-small-5It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Meet the KiXX Dance Team

kixxsmallFans had a chance to meet the dancers last Thursday.

Rockford Rampage Crash Dance Team

rockford_rampage_dancersDecked out in their Holiday best

Philadelphia KiXX Dance Team Unveiled

kixxsmallerFirst performance and public appearance by the team!

KiXX Announce Dance Team Unveiling Party

kixx2010Meet the new team next Tuesday.