Ultimate Cheerleaders


Indiana Pacemates Photos

More NBA dance teams are publishing galleries of images as the season gets underway. Up next is the Indiana Pacemates, who have posted a few galleries from October. Click here, here, and here to view the galleries.    

Random NBA Dance Team Pic of the Day

Dallas Mavericks Dancers Photos

NBA dance teams are beginning to post images from the first few games of the new season and the Dallas Mavericks have been the most prolific at doing so.  Click here to view a gallery of DMD images.

Cleveland Cavalier Girls Photos

NBA basketball season is here!  And the Cleveland Cavaliers have posted a gallery of cheerleader images from October.  Click here to view the gallery.

Random NBA Dance Team Pic of the Day

Halloween Cheerleader Photos from Around the Internet

It’s a wonderful time of the year with the rare confluence of professional football, baseball, basketball and hockey.  One thing all these sports have in common is…cheerleaders.  And Halloween brings out the best in terms of fun and creativity.  So let’s take a look at what our beloved cheerleaders and dancers are doing to celebrate […]

More Charlotte Honey Bee Goodness from October

The Charlotte Honey Bees posted some more photos from the month of October, including some very interesting Halloween themed photos.  Click here to view the gallery. Even tricked out as zombie cheerleaders, the Charlotte Honey Bees are the hottest dance team in the NBA.

Detroit Pistons Dancers Photos

The Detroit Pistons have posted a gallery of dancer images from their recent game against the Timberwolves.  Click here to view the images.

Random NBA Dance Team Pic of the Day

Charlotte Honey Bees Halloween Costumes

Halloween is just around the corner and it is an annual tradition that many dance teams dress in scary or sexy costumes to honor the holiday.  The Charlotte Hornets have posted a gallery of images of the Honey Bees in their Halloween costumes.  Click here to view the images.