Ultimate Cheerleaders


2010-11 NBA D-League Frisco Dancer Auditions

friscoAuditions for the inaugural Dance Team are this Sunday!

The Snake Charmers

2010-rgv-action_5NBA D-league action!

Red Claws Dancer On Deal Or No Deal

ldayredclawsJenny will be holding a briefcase for 16 episodes.

Frisco (TX) NBDL Cheer and Dance Auditions

friscoAuditions are Wednesday (Yes, this Wednesday!)

Dakota Wizards Announce Dance Team Audition

dakwizTryouts are this Wednesday!

Bakersfield Jam Dancers Auditions

jamsmallTryouts are Sunday, October 25th!

Springfield Armor Announce Dance Team Auditions

armorlogoTryouts are this Saturday!

2009-10 San Antonio Spurs Silver Dancers

200910spursCongratulations to the new squad!

P-R-O: The San Antonio Spurs Silver Dancers

spurs23The Spurs Silver Dancers make their first visit to the P-R-O Convention

Austin Toros Hire New Dance Team Director

monicatorosMonica Aguilar is the new Director and Choreographer for the Capital City Dance Team and the Toros Junior Dancers.