Ultimate Cheerleaders

New England Patriots

SI Gallery Update

2009_si_tbbc_1thumbLots of fun stuff this week!

SI Gallery Update

2009nfl_jets1Game day action!

Patriots barnstorm the UK: Five hours in London

2009-pats-london_1Tally ho. Pip pip. Cheerio. Etc.

Scenes from the Halloween that never was

2009-pats-halloween-thumbDoes OSHA know about this?

New Pats Profile Photos

2009-patriots-cheerleaders-alyssa2Self-explanatory, no?

This is what I call dedication

2009-pats-halloween_1If it were me, I’d be at home with a snuggie and some hot tea.

Another new look for the WRC

bodysuit_dccThe onesie makes a comeback.

SI Gallery Update

2009_si_htc_1thumbNew photos online.

Game Day Action – Pats Cheerleaders

2009patsaction_49smPhotos from last weekend’s game

Pro Cheer Meets Project Runway

100309_fashion_082.jpgIts sort of related…Sort of.