Ultimate Cheerleaders


Lady Spartans Raise Over $800 for Polar Plunge

The Lady Spartans, the dance team for the La Crosse Spartans indoor football team, will be “freezin’ for a reason” this weekend as they participate in the annual Coulee Region Polar Plunge. The event is held annually to raise money for Special Olympics Wisconsin and the La Crosse Parks & Recreation Department. The Lady Spartans […]

Islanders’ Ice Girls Help Out at Mineola Food Drive

Ken Ryan Mineola Patch January 24, 2011 Food drives are common occurrences during holiday seasons, especially between Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, hunger on Long Island knows no off-season. Alan Smith, manager of Roni Deutch Tax Center at 134 E. Jericho Turnpike in Mineola, understands this better than most people do. He is a member of […]

Miami Dolphins’ Cheerleaders help raise $85,000 at the Women In Distress 12th annual ‘SAFEWALK-RUN 5K’

South Florida Sun-Sentinel December 1, 2010 On a recent Saturday in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, more than 1,200 community members took to the pavement at Markham Park to raise awareness about domestic violence and to raise funds for the much needed programs and services offered by Women In Distress. The “SAFEWALK” united community […]

Annual auction is extra special for one particular Sea Gal

Tessa Harrington’s involvement with the Sea Gals and their charity auction on Dec. 6 is a way to remember Travis Britt, her high school boyfriend who died of cancer. By Clare Farnsworth Seahawks.com Nov 27, 2010 Tessa Harrington’s charitable work as a member of the Sea Gals isn’t just a labor of love; it’s a […]

Checking in with Sierra, the Junior Charger Girl

You may remember a couple of weeks ago, I posted about Sierra, a Junior Charger Girl who was raising money for the Make A Wish Foundation. Sierra’s initial goal was to raise $1,000 for the organization. For several weeks straight, Sierra stood outside of businesses, passed out flyers door-to-door and even set up a PayPal […]

Alumni Eagles Cheerleaders Dance to Raise $$ for Breast Cancer Research

Sierra the Junior Charger Girl

This is Sierra, an adorable 8 year old from San Diego: Sierra is a busy girl, and one of her most recent activities is participation in the Jr. Charger Girls program. (Her Aunt Marissa is a rookie on the team this year, so the experience is extra special for both of them.) The Junior CG […]

Laker Girls At “Paws for Cures”

Shirley Jones shares message with animal lovers By Samantha Gowen The Orange County Register Sept. 15, 2010 ANAHEIM HILL Distinguished oncologists, cardiologists and nephrologists mingled with 200 guests Saturday night on the grounds of a hillside estate. Laker Girls smiled and handed out programs. By the pool an enormous Newfoundland dog named Lucy slurped water […]

Gold Rush Wins Big for Charity

By Lisa Goodwin 49ers.com 9/9/2010 The 49ers hosted a viewing party Wednesday night at Pizza Party in Santa Clara to cheer on 49ers Gold Rush cheerleader Amber, who participated on the NBC’s Minute to Win It game show and won $125,000 for charity. Amber donated the money to the Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative (BAWSI), […]

Kids receive school supplies from Cardinals players, cheerleaders

The Arizona Republic July 31, 2010 Arizona Cardinals players and cheerleaders were in the West Valley passing out backpacks and school supplies to hundreds of area children as part of “Operation Backpack.” It’s that time of year. West Valley schools open as early as Monday in the Glendale Elementary School District. Children in Peoria Unified […]