Ultimate Cheerleaders


Charger Girls ring in Chinese New Year

Jen Rojas Chargers.com Mar 12, 2010 Photos: Charger Girls in Hong Kong>> The start of the Chinese New Year marks a time of grand celebrations throughout China. To help launch the Year of the Golden Tiger, the Charger Girls were invited by the Hong Kong Board of Tourism on a six-day trip to Hong Kong […]

Seattle Sea Gal returns home: Q&A With a Chamorro NFL cheerleader

pia-gillan“Pika caught up with Guam’s favorite Sea Gal and learned a lot about life as a cheerleader in the National Football League…”

Raiders Cheerleaders Visit GW Sailors

2009-raiderettes_natalie-m-smAbroad in Japan

Cheerleaders to watch Super Bowl from China

nepctroopsMembers of the New England Patriots Cheerleaders will travel to China for a series of appearances leading up to Super Bowl XLIV.

Sea Gals prep for upcoming tour

2010-prep-for-jan-afe-tour2Watch the video!

Cowboys Cheerleaders in Asia

2009-dec-dcc-at-kunsan_4cropA few photos from the holiday tour

Cowboys Cheerleaders on Tour

hopefreedom2009_2crop Four Cowboys Cheerleaders on the road with the 2009 “Hope and Freedom Tour”

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Wish You a Very, Very Merry Christmas

2009-dcc-usag-humphreys_50cropOn tour in Korea.

Cowboys Cheerleaders Deploy to Middle East, Korea

2009-dcc-uso-tour_1cropMembers of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders left the comforts of home this week bound for military bases in the Middle East and Korea to take part in their annual tradition of performing in USO shows.

Eagles Bring Holiday Cheer To Our Troops

2008-eagles-action_tourOn December 16th, twelve Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders, SUPER SWOOP, and former Philadelphia Eagles player, Kevin Reilly, visited Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey to bring holiday cheer to members of our Armed Forces.