Ultimate Cheerleaders


Patriots barnstorm the UK: Five hours in London

2009-pats-london_1Tally ho. Pip pip. Cheerio. Etc.

Bucs Cheerleaders in London

tbcoldDoing a little sightseeing in a double-decker bus.

NFL Cheerleaders Pep Up Marine Team in Afghanistan

2009-rams-afghanistan_4_cropSt. Louis Rams cheerleaders visited Forward Operating Base Delaram here recently to put on a show and help boost the morale of the Marines of 2nd Battalion

Eagles cheerleaders not just for football

del-co-thumbThe minute Krystle Campbellstepped off a military plane in Kuwait, she was hit with an intense blast of hot, dry air and nearly 125-degree heat.

Behind the Scenes at the AVP Dancers Photoshoot

avp-2010-calendar-analuzVideo from the team’s first calendar shoot.

Cheerleaders at the Hall of Fame Game

Game day photos!Tennessee Titans Cheerleader

Pats Cheerleaders in Afghanistan

2009-pats-afghanistan_20The Patriots Cheerleaders are in Afghanistan

USO trip a life-changer for Raiderette

2009-ashlee-in-baghdadSome new emotions swirled inside Ashlee Marks as she descended into Baghdad aboard a C-130 Hercules military transport plane carrying American soldiers and four other Oakland Raiderettes.

Bucs Cheerleaders Abroad

Spreading the Word: Cheerleaders in London Buccaneers.com Jul 14, 2009 – Their outfits drew looks, as is usually the case, frankly. In this case, however, some of the stares were born of confusion. As it turns out, a Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders outfit is a real attention-getter in London, even more so than those wearing […]