UFL Cheerleader Audition Dates Set
[Details] Please contact Billie O’Hara Director, Florida Tuskers Cheer/Dance Director at Tuskerscheer@gmail.com if you have further questions. Other UFL Cheerleader Auditions: Hartford Colonials Cheerleaders: Sunday, June 6th [Details] Las Vegas Locomotives Cheerleaders: Saturday, June 5th [Details] Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleaders: Saturday, June 12th [Details] Sacramento Mountain Lions Cheerleaders: Saturday, June 5th [Details] [Even more info]
Bringing Cheer to the UFL
By Nation Hahn UFL-Football.com Last month the UFL announced that prominent Central Florida choreographer and dance instructor Billie O’Hara would serve as UFL Cheer and Dance Development Director and Director of the Florida Tusker Cheerleaders. The original press release mentioned her 20 years of experience in the dancing world. She attended numerous prestigious dance schools […]
UFL Seeks Sacramento Cheerleader Director
The United Football League continues to ramp up for the 2010 season. The search is now on for a Cheerleader Director for the new Sacramento Mountain Lions. The season will run from September through November and there will be approximately 5 home games. Interested candidates should have a bio/resume and head shot, two letters of […]
UFL Seeks Sacramento Cheerleader Director
The United Football League continues to ramp up for the 2010 season. The search is now on for a Cheerleader Director for the new Sacramento Mountain Lions. The season will run from September through November and there will be approximately 5 home games. Interested candidates should have a bio/resume and head shot, two letters of […]
UFL Names Billie O’Hara Cheer and Dance Development Director
The United Football League has announced that prominent Central Florida dance instructor and choreographer Billie O’Hara has been named to the dual role of UFL Cheer and Dance Development Director and Director of the Florida Tusker Cheerleaders. In her new post, O’Hara will oversee the development of Dance/Cheer Teams for all United Football League teams […]
United Football League to Have Cheerleaders in 2010
Director sought for Hartford Colonials Franchise Great News! For its second season the United Football League (UFL) is going to have cheerleaders. The league has already named Billie O’Hara as its Cheer and Dance Development Director and the Cheer Director for the Orlando Tuskers franchise. Billie is a former Orlando Magic Dancer and is also […]
UFL Cheerleaders?
Who’s cheering for the new league?