Ultimate Cheerleaders


UNGL Virginia Swarm Cheerleaders

swarm2Congrats to the new team.

Carolina Comets Cheerleaders Auditions

shannonsmallTryouts are Sunday, January 24th.

UNGL Cheerleader/Dance Team Auditions

unglAuditions later this month in Dallas, Miami, Virginia, Carolina and Ohio. Plus the search is on for choreographers.

UNGL Team Cheerleading/Dance Auditions

unglAuditions the weekend of Jan 23-24 in Dallas, Miami, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.

UNGL Try-outs Show Signs of a Very Strong Foundation

ungldanielleandmichelleMidwest Dave reports from the Ohio Regional Auditions.

Sunday Marks A Big Step in Roxanne Pringle’s UNGL Dream

line-2-calendar-shootMeet the woman creating the new UNGL Cheerleaders

United National Gridiron League Auditions Invitation Letter

ungllogoLess than one month until the Ohio Regional Auditions.

UNGL Cheerleader/Dance Auditions (Update)

unglFirst tryouts are in Ohio on October 18th.

UNGL Cheerleader/Dance Auditions

ungllogoA new pro football league is looking for Cheerleaders, Dancers, Directors and Choreographers!