Ultimate Cheerleaders


Arm Bands – Hot or Not

armbandWhadya think?

Pistons Dance Team Announced

Congratulations! automotion-2009-10-thumb

Automotion Auditions

2009-pistons-audition_18Automotion held their annual auditions Tuesday at The Palace. Over 150 hopefuls gathered to showcase their talents…

Help Select the Final Thunder Girl

okcsmallFans can vote for the last Oklahoma City Thunder Girl.

Former Soulmate Needs Your Vote


Vote for your top 3 Power Dancer finalists

Vote for the 3 women you’d like to see on the team. 2009-rpd-finalists_400

Help Choose the Pacemates

The Pacers want your help in choosing the squad.2009-pacemate-finalists

Help Select the 18th and Final Knicks City Dancer

2009knickscitydancersSeventeen of the eighteen 2009-10 Knicks City Dancers have been selected.

Abbreviated Friday Morning Links

2009-kcd-semisHave a Happy 4th!

Vote for your favorite A-Town Finalists

hawksaudsBy Sasha

Help select the new Atlanta Hawks A-Town Dancers