Ultimate Cheerleaders

“Reporting LIVE from Jacksonville, FL….It’s Michele and Dee Dee of the Jacksonville Axe Maidens!”

On August 14th Jacksonville Axe Maidens, DeeDee & Michele had the opportunity to make an television appearance on the local news with members of the Axemen Rugby League to promote their upcoming Player/Cheerleader Auction.


Both ladies share their experience below….

By Axe Maiden, DeeDee

axefirstcoastnewsWhat little girl doesn’t grow up dreaming of being a television star, surrounded by handsome guys and bathed in the spotlight as the world watches, hanging on your every word? Well, that isn’t quite what happened during my recent appearance on First Coast News, ABC25, but it sure felt pretty darn close when my fellow Axe Maiden, Michele, and I joined members of the undefeated Jacksonville Axemen Rugby Team to promote the upcoming Axemen/Axe Maidens Auction being held the following night. When our Director, Darlene, asked me, as one of the Veteran Axe Maidens, and Michele, as one of the Rookies, to represent our squad, we both felt truly honored. It was high time the First Coast heard a little more about this hidden jewel of a sports team that was this close to bringing a National Championship back to Jacksonville and it was up to Michele and me to help deliver the message!

Although the weather outside was a dreary steady drizzle, you wouldn’t have known it upon walking into the WJXX studios because the Axemen, lead by their fearless leader, Spinner, were in rare form, with commentary that kept our host, First Coast News Anchor Patty Crosby, in stitches from start to finish. While we waited for our time to go on, various news personalities walked by including Anchorwoman Donna Deegan (wasn’t I just watching her on TV before I left my house?), “On Your Side” Reporter Ken Amaro (too bad I didn’t have any problems for him to investigate!) and Sports Director, Dan Hicken, whose face, partially covered by his “Support the (Jaguars) Movement” beard, looked even more rugged in person. Maurice Jones-Drew, Jaguars Running Back and leader of the “Movement”, would have definitely been proud!

Soon, it was time for us to take our place in the spotlight – LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION and we’re live on the air, everybody doing what they do best. Spinner (Axemen owner), ever the King of Marketing, charmingly talking about the upcoming playoffs, the Axemen team members each showing that stoic yet approachably entertaining personality for which rugby players are known and Michele and I, all smiles and professionalism, giving the fans yet another reason to come out and support our team. Before we knew it, the segment was over…. but wait! We can’t leave yet – they want us all back on set for the closing shot of the program and Meteorologist Steve Smith wants the Axe Maidens to stand behind his chair! How can we say no to that! More smiling and being friendly – all in a day’s work for the Axe Maidens!


By Axe Maiden, Michele

axemicheleanddeedeenews1When our Director, Darlene, called me and asked if I wanted to represent the Axe Maidens at a live newscast to help promote our Jacksonville Axemen, I was ecstatic!

I had never been to a news station before….let along, be filmed, LIVE!

To be honest, I was as a little nervous that day because I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to expect when I stepped into the television studio at 6:30p. But instantly, I felt better when I walked in and was greeted by 3 of the prime time anchors of First Coast News and their staff members.

Everyone was extremely friendly and made you feel right at home! Patty Crosby, the news anchor delivering the 7pm news asked if Dee Dee and I wanted to have an opportunity to speak after the Axemen owner (Spinner Howland) ….we said “absolutely”!

So after getting all wired up with mics, we stood to the side and watched Patty work her magic on camera delivering the day’s news until they were ready for us.

We got the cue:
“TWO MINUTES TILL AIR TIME”…the camera man called
We all quickly lined up next to Patty and got situated.
“AND WE’RE LIVE….3..2..1..”

Spinner and a few players explained the Axemen Player/Cheerleader Auction we were promoting and what it entailed. Dee Dee and I encouraged fans to come out and support the event.

As the broadcast came to a close, Patty had us all stand behind her and the weather man, Steve Smith, at the news desk to bid farewell to viewers.

It went so fast, but it was such a fantastic experience! The energy of being in the studio, knowing you’re live on the air while being viewed by thousands of people was something I thought I’d never get the chance to experience…… I’ll never forget it!

Yet another amazing opportunity I got to experience as a member of the Jacksonville Axe Maidens!

[Jacksonville Axe Maidens]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent