Ultimate Cheerleaders

September 2009

The Ben-Gals’ Cheerleaders 2009-2010 calendar is published

calFor fans of the Cincinnati-based NFL cheerleaders for the Bengals, the long wait is over.

It’s hard being a Cowboys cheerleader

jumpsplitIt’s the cheerleaders who get grilled like it’s Final Jeopardy.

Gold Rush Update

2009gr_groupSF Gold Rush on opening day.

Monday Morning Cheerleader: Kelli of the Jacksonville Jaguars

kellismallKelli talks about the Jaguars.

Dolphins Cheerleaders at Maxim.com

dolphinsmaximSee photos from their Calendar

Chiefs Game Day Action

2009-chiefs-action_2thumbNew photos!

Uniform Poll: New England Patriots Cheerleaders

patssmallWhadya Think?

NFL Week #2 – The Buffalo Jills

jillsgame2Phil’s photos from the game!

Reading Express Smokin’ Hot Steam Team Auditions

steamteamauds1Workshop is October 4th; Auditions are October 10th.

Past Eskimo cheerleaders get together for reunion

2009esksreunion3thumbOver 500 cheer alumni gathered in Edmonton