Another new look for the WRC
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders did it back in the day.

Years later, the Eagles Cheerleaders gave it a shot.
And that was the last we saw of it…until 2005
When the Ben-Gals brought it back
The Pats Cheerleaders picked it up
The Jets Flight Crew took the idea in a new direction
And now the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders have debuted their own version. (Between this and their other uniforms, the WRC have to be some of the most body-confident women on the planet.)
It looks the catsuit is here to stay.
What do you guys think?
6 thoughts on "Another new look for the WRC"
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I’m always a fan of a nice catsuit, and it’s something that could work well for winter games, I’d think.
Love the new catsuit on the WRC very sexy…MEOW BABY!
Honestly, I’m not that crazy about it. It looks more like something they would practice in or wear around town at appearances. Personally I think skirts and boots are MUCH better – but then I don’t have to stand around in them during winter in the Northeast!!
Also, the pic on the homepage of the blond Cowboys cheerleader is GREAT! Do you have even a slightly bigger version of that you could post?
Frankly, the catsuit is not a good look and neither are dance pants, for that matter. They are simply not flattering to the feminine form and not exactly the sexy and glamorous look that NFL cheerleaders are known for. As for me, I agree with another poster, just go with skirts or hot pants and boots. If it gets cold, wear two pairs of tights, a form fitting jacket and move around a lot more to stay warm. This is the NFL, for god’s sake.
The Jets one is more of a jump suit/flight suit than a cat suit. That one looks OK. The others… meh.